Jun 19, 2007

K-lick!! K-lick! weee....

While time passes me by, I'm oblivious with a cuppa in hand.
The picture's so 3.2megapixel Klear. gerek. *wink* :D

So many things to do, so lil' time. Time waits for no man and I feel left behind most times. My wonder wonder brain is on hyper-mode ON lately. And it's a mess. If my mind's a room, I reckon it's gonna look something like the picture here -> Let's just say I'm not PA material ok. Life can be a mess sometimes but my random thoughts are just plain Kaotic. I think about everything all the time and it can be VERY random. This is scary for me. I'm supposed to be in-charge of an event but this is turning out to quite a feat. Woah! The picture says it all..... :S I need to spring clean this head lah. Tell me how. Anyone?
I keep saying "Come back Shah. Come back" coz I drift too much too fast....... Oh well, where was I? hee.. See what I mean? K k. serious exciting stuff now. K fon!

If you're the lucky ones who get to see me on a daily basis, surely you would have known that your dearest Aishah here has got herself a new mobile phone. Yay! :P I gotta state here that I'm no hp junkie. I belong to the group of peeps who dun see the need to change hps if said hp is working perfect. Du-uh. The times I did get replacements was either it went kaput or it MIAed on me. So bo pian, there's a NEED to get a new hp then ya. So in this particular situation , dun mind frugal me if I say that this is kind of a big deal coz my maroon moto is still working fine. In fact, I haven't used my moto enough yet honestly. So to get a new hp before it's "expiry date" is just not me. The lovely reason for this hefty-priced purchased? K for Kamera. Been wanting to get a digicam for "once upon a time ago", thot I might as well get a Sony E K fon. Koolest of da kool laaah.. hhahaahaha.. And thanks to Lorraine, I've got the cover in red/maroon now. It's a bit bulky I guess. Reminds me of one of those Transformers.. robots in disguise.. hahaha.. nvm that, it's still way kool. I simply love it! Alhamdulillah! I may have blown my budget for July but I'm pretty sure this is a great buy. No thanks to GSS I must add. :S Oh well, I'm gonna let the pix do the talkin'. Klikz!

come on Mi! u can at least fake the excitement. It's a K-Fon. Smile!

Now that's better. heee..heee. Another member for the K Klub Klan. Wat?! pft.

Nice pictures so far ah. I LIKE. It gets better. When I say "it", I mean MY picture shots. hahahaa! :p

GST = greet, SMILE, thanks. :S
Meet the fans session. Queen Q and smiley-fac
e Misha. heeeheee... :p

"Help! Guys, I dunno what I'm doing and I think the user knows I'm talking crap! Help!" hahahha. K= kidding! Sorry my switi Sheens. You can write whatever u wan on your blog k. I can't help it lah. heee.. U Da Swit! There was another nice shot of me with Sheens but switz here made a funny face which borderlined on the crazed-look instead. So not gonna post that picture lah. I'm sweet and considerate. I know. *wink* :)

<-Who can this be? Ah Chuen? Shy? Eeeerrr..... kidding me? :S
Tsk! tsk! You can try to hide but you will STILL be cybershot. hahhaaha. I like Lamenesssss.. :)
2nd last evening shift with Ah Chuen. Hmmm.... Gonna miss the beng.

But..but..but. The best of the "bestest" of the best picture is none other than............................. :)

Aish & Andy. mmmmmmmmmmmm... Sayang awak.
no bite nails. :)

...Picture paints a thousand words....

Jun 14, 2007

: One of 223 :

A brand new mobile. Yup Yup! :D Me got meself a brand new hp!
Well, not actually brand new lah but the condition's still tip-top, hip-hop, be-bop be doo bop.. what?!? hahaa.. Well, what do u expect? It's still a baby. Just 3 months old. It's practically 1st hand. :) Insya Allah I will post this excitement soon. Can you feel it? Excitement's in the air.
Kaaaauu! K for Kental me. Ish! hee...
When the photos are ready, so will the entry be posted. I like visuals. :D One thing I know instantly is that I LOVE THE KAMERA. I dun care what Sheen's take is on the matter. Sheens is usually wrong on ALL subject matter. Hahaa! (I'm kidding Sheens! I said "usually" not "always". Chill ah.) You will know why in due time. I'll post the lovely reason soon. Coming soon to a theatre near you. Sheeesh! :D No Epiracy pls.. *wink*

A totally non related topic now. Was clearing emails few days back. I came upon this particular one which I knew I just had to comment on. :S Me and my endless comments... Self-entertainment. :P

At first look, I thought this Ah-Emm was rolling tissue around her foot. Wonder wonder.. Now why would she do someting like that? Is it the starting process to mummify oneself in China? To have smooth, young looking feet even when you've reached half past 6 in life? Hmmmm... I'm intrigued.

Those who have received the e-mail may already know what this is about. But those in the not-know, our lovely Ah-Emm is holding a fag box beside a shoe. I think she's trying to tell us to compare the sizes btwn the two. So? They're about the same. So what's the deal? Deal is........ K wait. Before I post some more pics of Ah-Emm and her pretty feet, let us go back to school. :)

Ok class. Listen up! :D
During the Qing and Tang Dynasty, foot binding
was the IN thing to do. WWW = What a Whacky World huh? Why do we do the things we do sometimes? Humans. Brilliant and complex creatures at the same time. Young girls' feet usually at age 6 but often earlier, were wrapped in tight bandages so that their feet could not grow and develop normally. The feet would instead break and become highly deformed, not growing past 4-6 inches. As the girl reached adulthood, her feet would remain small and dysfunctional. It became popular among people of all social classes as it was a status symbol. Status symbol to self-mutilate? I am amazed. But get this, only the poorest "couldn't afford" this practise as able-bodied poor women are needed to work the fields. This is fair and to me. Guess these "needy bunch" was saved by their poverty. Wealth in health I say. *wink* By being the "poorest" folks they are, they actually escape the risk of infection, paralysis and muscular atrophy. Whatever that means but I'm sure it's not something pretty. heee...

freaky freaky, I know...... Infection caught on camera!

I told you it's not pretty. What da heck is goin oooon? Aw man. My jaw dropped when I saw this pic. Ah-emm, what have you done? Why have you allowed others to deform you in such a manner? Why?? Hahaha.. Dramama. I can be quite the drama queen I know. Chill Shah. To be fair to the old lady, she may not want the tradition to be practised on her in the 1st place. Maybe she was forced outta her will at a helpless age of 6. Poor thing lah. I dunno whether I can handle such torture. I do not want to be in her place. No no no.. But get this, some do bind their feet to entice and attract men. Super weakness! Weakadoddle lah! That's plain wrong.

Yaaaaahhhh.. Raaaaaaite! I'm so0o0oo turned on. NOT. :S
The four toes are wrapped and bind so that only the big toe is straight. Ouch! I think Ah-emm is trying to point to the exact "turn-on" point there. Haha! " Aaaaah here. It feels go0o0d here." Hahahahaha! Stop it Shah!

"Some scholars have claimed that the erotic effect was a function of the tiny steps and swaying walk of a woman whose feet had been bound. The very fact that the bound foot was concealed from men's eyes was, in and of itself, sexually suggestive." I am supposed to handicap myself just so men can enjoy the way I sway as I walk? Are you kidding me? Are you seriously kidding me? I'm so glad I wasn't born in the Qing Dynasty era. I would grow up a tomboy just to escape from bound feet and that I'm not kidding. Hahaha!! :P I would change my name from Ai Sah to some other macho chinese name. I cannot think of any now.. Pft. Whatever lah Shah.

This is such a random entry I cannot believe myself. heee.. I just got meself a cool handphone hours ago and here I am writing about bind feet. Apa dah.. I'm amazed that's all. The 1st time I saw bind feet in the flesh, shoe taken off. I appreciate the chance. Oo0o0o0 mcm gitu kah. Baru akak tau... hmmm... I'm easily fascinated lah so I guess that makes me easily excited thus making me the commentator that I am.
Shat. Up. Shah. heehee.. Comment too much also not good lah ah. So we're cutting down. Only comment on the neutral or the goodness. Yes yes.. :)

So bind feet aside, I must say our dear Ah-emm has quite a taste for shoes ah.
Kiut lil' red shoes. Wonder wonder if they have it in size 7 tho.. haha! ok I'm done. :P

.random ramblings. dun mind me.

Working in the night shift has it's upsides. Feels like I'm single again. I remember when I used to look forward to my rostered evening shifts. 2 weeks in a row? hey no problem. I'll take it! =) Time set aside for me and me alone. I like my alone time. But I'm not the most productive of people and to the "performers" I may seem like I'm doing nothing or wasting precious time but I just gotta add here that what I do with my time is my business. What I choose to do with my time is part of being me. If I just feel like surfing the net whole 9 hours straight, I say "surf's up dude!". But I recalled doing a lot of activities to occupy myself in those lonely times. I had fun. I enjoy my company. Hahaha! Brought books to read. Even went to library to borrow some random books (only funny ones, none of those lovey-dovey crap and Sci-fi nonsense. No no.), which is rare coz I didn't wanna risk losing those books and getting hefty fines for those books which I might as well have bought 'em in the 1st place. There's this one book I have yet to get my hands on. I read a few pages of "sex, drugs and cocoa puffs" by some Jewish guy Chuck Klosterman at Borders quite a while back. Was waiting for a friend to knock off from work then so had the time to be cheap and read free books. haha! I need to get that book lah. Insya Allah soon. That one book managed to make me laugh aloud after reading the 1st few pages. I managed to Ssshh myself but then I was smiling like a stupid cheap idiot to continue reading. So cannot lah. I put the book back to the shelves and before I went, I know "I'll be bak" to get that book. I really need the laugh. Now is good...

One thing I realised, I enjoy writing then and I totally dig writing now still. Alhamdulillah. At last, I've found my one true passion. Not writings of novel standard la of course but I managed to find a channel to distress besides prayers and supplications to The Almighty, of coooz.. hee.... How did I distress before eh? hmmmm... never mind that. All praises belong to Allah. I used to be a couch potato. I just adore the TV box to the WWW but now I rarely watch any TV. I dunno what's new and I couldn't care less. I've got no clue what I do with my spare time now. Think the fact that I've got my gentle G around has got alot to with how the time is currently spent. No need to think think lah. Kompom. :) But I think I need to be Me again. The individual me. Dating game's not over yet (never over Insya Allah) but more or less, I feel comfortable with the present arrangement. Now, back to being me. I'm feeling serious all of a sudden. hmmm...

I've been doing some reading. Reading of people's history. hmmmm.. Curiousity got the better of this cat. Why I read? I dunno. Why I do the things I do is sometimes a mystery even to me. I know myself the most and I know I shouldn't have read la. Esah... Esah... Man aw man..
I may seem confident to you but this is just a facade. Allah Taala saje Yang tau... hmmmm..
So when I do smile, depends on the situation, either I'm shaking my socks off or I'm feeling inferior and low. But keep on smiling Shah. Easy does it. Everything's gonna be alright. I'm good. Heck, I'm better than good. I'm worth it! hahaaha!

Entry very vague yah. Like I'm talking to myself... :) There's no need for others to know, really. The feeling, like all other feelings, will pass Insya Allah. Having only a 256MB memory has it's plus point. :)

Everybody has a history to keep. Boy, do you have your own history Shah. One faces the future with one's past. So just keep mum and perk up already. But wonder wonder... the mind likes to wonder. The mind also needs to CHILL. pft!

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future. Concentrate your mind on the present moment".

Ya Allah, Be with me.

Jun 12, 2007

"a for................adios"

it's 2307hrs. I'm at work.
Niat nak brush up on the ngaji.. semangat bawak muqaddam segalak but didn't even touch it yet. Insya Allah, esok masih ada. Merangkak...merangkak. Pelan2 eh. No pressure.

I've received an e-mail. An e-mail from the past.
Humans are weak. Humans are with errors. Humans are full of emotions. Human is me.
Ya Allah, please protect us from ourselves. We know not what we do. We need Your guidance Oh Allah. Guide us to the path rightfully for us for Only You Know what is best. Amin.

I'm kinda affected. Feels like a part of me is gone and to put it bluntly, has died. I feel the loss. I've grieved enough I thot but the "last goodbye" will always get to you. I'd rather you just disappear. Outta sight, outta mind. I hate goodbyes. Even if I plan not to see you again, just walk away. Saying g'bye just makes it official that the tie has been broken and we may not say hello again....... and that's sad for anyone.

Whatever happens, happens for a good reason. There's goodness in every bad situation. Really. So dun sulk and complain. Be happy and more importantly, be grateful. Allah SWT is The Most Merciful, The All Knowing, so who are we to question "why me?" Just remember that God will not burden you with problems you cannot handle, so just be patient and trust in Him that everything will be fine. It will be.

I just sense the loss, that's all.
I pray for you, fren. May Allah lead us to the path of the righteous every single day. Insya Allah.
I pray for all the goodness you deserve. Amin.

Keep moving forward. The past is just that. I can't let go of the past completely coz there are valuable lessons from the past. That's the only reason why we should hang on to it. Not the "fun" and not the "memories". They're but grey areas to me. I prefer just black and white, really.
I'm eternally grateful for my present situation. Syukur Alhamdulillah. There are days when I feel like I'm dreaming. Thank YOU Oh Allah. What I got is more than what I've asked for...More than I deserve. Awak, I pray for OUR future together. To live this life simply and to hold each other's hand in HIS way in this life and in the here-after. Insya Allah. Amin.

So.... goodbye friend.
With your words, I'll end this here.
"there's nothing more tt i could have asked.
'll pray tt u'll find your happiness and forever it may last.."

Jun 10, 2007

3 days in 1 - I'm lovin' it!

I'm in the office now till 12midnight. Modern-day Cinderella for the whole of this week... till this Friday. :S Suckydoddle. But nvm that. You gotta do what you gotta do. Whining, complaining, merengek-ing will not change the fact that it's ur turn working the night shift this week so Sssssshh Shah. hmmm... 5 days more. 5 lo0o0o0o0ong lonely days. :( But it's ok lah I guess. There's the saying in the International language: Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
In Malay: jauh di mata, dekat di hati. Maybe my dearest Italiano Benggal can help with the translation in Italian? Senor.. Senor.. hahhaaahha! mmmmmmissing you..

3 days came slowly but the same 3 days gone kinda quickly. Sigh.. Well, I got to spend all of those 3 days with my Gentle G. Power gedegak! It was awesome to be greeted by dat someone after a long hard day's work. I like that feeling. I'm lovin' it. hee... Insya Allah, every day in the future? I'm so0o0o gonna love that.

Somewhere only WE know was amazing as usual. I suspect the person I'm with has a lot to do with how awesome the place is reall
y. Anywhere is cool as long as that person is by me side. Aaaaaaaww... Mmmmmmmmm... there's 1 particular thing that I can remember now. Cough cough cough! hahahaa! awak OK tak? hee.. that was so0o0 funny! Cough some more.. Ish! =)

Oh yah, another kelakar seram happening. Long John of The Dead!! Hahahaha! Now that was hilarious.... but also evil at the same time. Sorry sickly China lady. We cannot help it laa. It was entertainment at it's best. Buy
a meal and you get entertainment, FREE. "Welcome to Looong Jooohn.." "Thaank yoou foor coming........ Seee you agaaain..What the?! Wake up people! heee.. Say No to drugs! hahaa..
After the big big laughs, we headed out but only after getting the scratch tix. 2 tix ah. Nevermind the Macbook, we won ourselves coleslaws. Yea! So excited!! Tensssss hor.

VivoCity was so big that we, me and Senor Andy, just had to return to cont checking out the place on the 3rd day. It was cool. I prefer
Marina for shopping coz to me, Marina has the same outlets Vivo has and more. But Vivo's unique upside is the location and scenery. With it being at the end of the island, the crowd is lesser than town's. So that 's a BIG plus point. Another thing, it overlooks Sentosa. Verry nice. Verry nice indeed. Awak, cable car soon yah. heeeehee..
"Okaaay.. noted." heehee.. Sayang awak! But th
e one deciding factor that Vivo is cooler is the journey back home. =) So ViVo: 3, Marina: 1. heee..

I did do some shopping there. An XL Zara "knitwear?" and 2 G2000 singlets, also XL! I dunno why, so dun ask. The XL singlets makes sense coz I just want it's length but the XL Zara Knitwear is a bit worrying. Either
the cutting is waaaay too small for me to have to choose that size or Zara is catering to anorexics nowadays. I seriously think it's both. :S

We roamed and roamed ard the mall till it's makan time. "Hay ho hay??" Haaaaayy... *wink* Who can forget the the not one, but 2
lychee drinks? hahaaa! And to finish it off with a glass of warm susu halia. Apa tak ber"ombak" perot tu?! hehee. Ki-ut! Qstn: the ramp or the stairs? hhmmm.. :D mmmmmmmm... mmm... mmm.....
toilet? aaaaaaahhh!!.. hahaaha. suka? suka sgt! em-eem. :P

I'm having fun all over again just writing abou
t this. Muka ada senyyyuuum.. heehee..

Everyday is an opportunity to learn. These past few days, I learnt of new hobbies I own. Long escalator rides... Long bus rides.. Too fast, too furious? Nah, not for me. I'd rather go slow and steady. The longer the ride the better. I hate goodbyes. And of course, I love my bonc! Top of the favourite list.
I consider meself to be a fair and just person
, really. But if u think otherwise...... I dun care! Hahaha! Tak fair fair? tak pedulik! hahaaa! awak, mmmmmmm x3 ah.
And yang, next time bawak camera k. Trima kasih cik. Terharu saya.

Insya Allah, one day.....

All praises belo
ng To Allah. I still cannot believe it.

Awak, you watch out ah! =) *wink*
5 days. 5 long days. haaaaiizzz...

- if this is a dream, dun wake me up. sleeping with mouth open. Ish... -

Jun 8, 2007

Introducing........................................... with pictures! Wow wee..

After aaaall these time, I just got my "AEIOU"-ID and password for the corporate e-mail. hahaaha! 697 in inbox! Imagine that. I'm verrrrry the tempted to just select ALL 697 and just click on the delete key. C-lick! Ya, think I'll do that on Friday. Good idea. :) Employee of the century laaa! Thank U! Thank U! And here I thought my Yahoo mail was bad. heee... pft!

The fun duo and I went swimming (splashing about more like) at DTown East after the 9to6 routine we call helldesk. Really didn't feel like going work but to just head straight for the pool at 9 in the morn. hee.. Precious fun time wasted if u ask me. Lucky we're not in school still. I'm so outta there faster than you can say "cabut". hahahaa! sigh... Like sand through the hourglass... those were the days of our lives... hahaaaha! (just GOT to selit that in lah :P) But pat on backs ladies, we survived the gruelling hours and the swim was that much more appreciated. Cool. Finally you guys. Haha! Next stop, movie I think, with the rest. What say you Pink Ranger Sheens? "Smiley :D Face" Misha sure on one aaah. *wink*

I just gotta mention the passing of the NO FUN ALLOWED AT WORK notice. I'm affected lah. You can't expect a commentator to just keep mum with all this "serious" rules being passed, now can you? Cannot lah ah. A long list of NOs but what they're really saying is simple, if you're having fun, even remotely, this is not allowed. Duh! No tailgating?? Double Duh! Funny..... NOT. Ok whatever. Let it go, Shah. And Sheens, I really suspect the "no shades" at work was directed at us. No doubt abt it! hahaa! Why can't they let us beeeee? *wink wink*
Me and Mi goofing ard at work. hahaa! No more of this?! ha! It takes more than a circulated e-mail to stop our nonsense. Peace!
Well anyways, more dreamy topic at hand. A date to remember. One of the days I will not forget. Long overdue, several days late but can only squeeze this in at 2.24pm on a Friday,a busy day at work. heehee..
02062007. It's MAKAN TIME! :D

Disclaimer: Before we proceed, this is THE VERY 1ST TIME I've posted pictures. Pictures that matter anyways. Been contemplating for a quite a while whether to post or not to post.... Now THAT is the qstn of the day. Insya Allah, you guys are gonna meet up someday so why not yah? Awak, brace yourself. It's aaaaaaalll good. :D

I was waaay excited for the makan together-gether with the Sabani Family featuring my Gentle G. hee.. Initial hiccups along the way with the venue. Couldn't decide where really. Luckily we rackeyed Sakura at FE Plaza eh wak. The place is SO not for family gathering to me. Couple2 can lah coz the place was so0o0 squeezy. Couldn't possibly have the lunching there. No no no no.. A lot of other places struck off the list but my favourite was Tambuah Mas Restaurant. "Food is halal mdm but no halal certification coz we serve beer." ???!!!???!! Are u kidding me? :S How can the food be "halal" when the place serve non-halal beverage? They use the term "halal" very loosely nowadays. Very worrying trend. Also "no pork, no lard"= halal? When did that happen? To each his own I guess but NO thanks ha. Reservation thus cancelled. TMas can serve bak kut teh for all I care but what kinda got to me is that the receptionist (disappointingly malay some more) should at least have told me they serve beer. I cannot imagine if we were already there and then wat? We would have to scramble for someplace else. I would not have appreciated this and I will show it. Thank God it didn't come to that coz I think it would have been a spoiler to the day. And another thing. I just have to ask this, why the heck do they have to serve alocoholic beverage in the 1st place? You have a malay sounding restaurant name for goodness sake. Aw man. I can go oooon and oooon about this but no need lah. No point. Just gotta add that I understand it makes sound business sense to cater to ALL but by doing so, it really just did the opposite. Practising muslims will indefinitely shun the place as it is a blatant contradiction. Pft! I think the management knows this but we're too minor a group in this "moderna" day and age to make any impact in their decision making so... another one bites the dust if you ask me. Nevermind. Insya Allah, our good deeds will be rewarded. We try. Yessa! So syabas to my dear Gentle G for being smarter than everyone else. haha! 100 "halal" points added to u! :) yea.
Phew. Such a long-winded, opinionated me. What's new? :S

Well anywaysss... It was the 1st time for the Sabani family to makan at Sakura, DTown East. Org P Ris 1st time, org Ishun dah gi ni.. heee.. I liked the place. Alhamdulillah. The place was proper and the food was nice lah. Visually tempted. Thank God Oya Oyea came along. Oya was the champion lah that day. Berbaloi lah katakan. I still can hear the words she said, "k, I haven't eaten my ice-cream AND dessert eh." hahaahaa!! Kak. Normal ppl would think ice-cream IS dessert but no no no no.. not for my dear Oya sis. She separates the two like it's 2 different main courses. hahahaaa.. Power la kak! U da tong! heehee.. but seriously, wish I could eat like you. Envy..envy..

The whole affair made me very happy, yes yes. I was loving every single moment of it. It looked right, it felt right. mmmmmm... The seating arrangement was kinda awkward tho. Kena corner daaah. heee... Not my doing ah.

see what i mean? hmmmm... :-)

But insya Allah, over time, there won't be a need for any arra
ngement at all. Seat where you like. Be comfortable. Be yourself. Coz we like yo0o0o0o0ouuu. Yes we do0o0o0.. hahaha.. U need proof? Picture below says it all. =)

I call this "Picture Of Approval". Me so happee.. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
Altogether now. Everybody say, "Pricelesssssss"! hee...

One thing for sure, I'd love to do this again. The whole family + 1 gathering i mean. I had a good time and I honestly hope everyone else did. Not just the food but the whole situation la. Insya Allah I hope for this to be permanent. Insya Allah. Altogether now. Amin! Wow!!! heee...

Awak. Mmmmmmmm..... 3hrs and 20minutes to go......

P/S: Switis Sheens such a good PA. Thanks for the reminder doll.

*1 bye bye to ur slipper and welcome 2 other pairs ( bata and 2.90)
*2 misha yawn w/o covering her mouthx3
(told ya I can add this in. Although there's no relevance but what the heck.
Appreciate all the same. Smile!)