Introducing........................................... with pictures! Wow wee..
After aaaall these time, I just got my "AEIOU"-ID and password for the corporate e-mail. hahaaha! 697 in inbox! Imagine that. I'm verrrrry the tempted to just select ALL 697 and just click on the delete key. C-lick! Ya, think I'll do that on Friday. Good idea. :) Employee of the century laaa! Thank U! Thank U! And here I thought my Yahoo mail was bad. heee... pft!
The fun duo and I went swimming (splashing about more like) at DTown East after the 9to6 routine we call helldesk. Really didn't feel like going work but to just head straight for the pool at 9 in the morn. hee.. Precious fun time wasted if u ask me. Lucky we're not in school still. I'm so outta there faster than you can say "cabut". hahahaa! sigh... Like sand through the hourglass... those were the days of our lives... hahaaaha! (just GOT to selit that in lah :P) But pat on backs ladies, we survived the gruelling hours and the swim was that much more appreciated. Cool. Finally you guys. Haha! Next stop, movie I think, with the rest. What say you Pink Ranger Sheens? "Smiley :D Face" Misha sure on one aaah. *wink*
I just gotta mention the passing of the NO FUN ALLOWED AT WORK notice. I'm affected lah. You can't expect a commentator to just keep mum with all this "serious" rules being passed, now can you? Cannot lah ah. A long list of NOs but what they're really saying is simple, if you're having fun, even remotely, this is not allowed. Duh! No tailgating?? Double Duh! Funny..... NOT. Ok whatever. Let it go, Shah. And Sheens, I really suspect the "no shades" at work was directed at us. No doubt abt it! hahaa! Why can't they let us beeeee? *wink wink*
The fun duo and I went swimming (splashing about more like) at DTown East after the 9to6 routine we call helldesk. Really didn't feel like going work but to just head straight for the pool at 9 in the morn. hee.. Precious fun time wasted if u ask me. Lucky we're not in school still. I'm so outta there faster than you can say "cabut". hahahaa! sigh... Like sand through the hourglass... those were the days of our lives... hahaaaha! (just GOT to selit that in lah :P) But pat on backs ladies, we survived the gruelling hours and the swim was that much more appreciated. Cool. Finally you guys. Haha! Next stop, movie I think, with the rest. What say you Pink Ranger Sheens? "Smiley :D Face" Misha sure on one aaah. *wink*
I just gotta mention the passing of the NO FUN ALLOWED AT WORK notice. I'm affected lah. You can't expect a commentator to just keep mum with all this "serious" rules being passed, now can you? Cannot lah ah. A long list of NOs but what they're really saying is simple, if you're having fun, even remotely, this is not allowed. Duh! No tailgating?? Double Duh! Funny..... NOT. Ok whatever. Let it go, Shah. And Sheens, I really suspect the "no shades" at work was directed at us. No doubt abt it! hahaa! Why can't they let us beeeee? *wink wink*
Me and Mi goofing ard at work. hahaa! No more of this?! ha! It takes more than a circulated e-mail to stop our nonsense. Peace!
Well anyways, more dreamy topic at hand. A date to remember. One of the days I will not forget. Long overdue, several days late but can only squeeze this in at 2.24pm on a Friday,a busy day at work. heehee..
02062007. It's MAKAN TIME! :D
Disclaimer: Before we proceed, this is THE VERY 1ST TIME I've posted pictures. Pictures that matter anyways. Been contemplating for a quite a while whether to post or not to post.... Now THAT is the qstn of the day. Insya Allah, you guys are gonna meet up someday so why not yah? Awak, brace yourself. It's aaaaaaalll good. :D
I was waaay excited for the makan together-gether with the Sabani Family featuring my Gentle G. hee.. Initial hiccups along the way with the venue. Couldn't decide where really. Luckily we rackeyed Sakura at FE Plaza eh wak. The place is SO not for family gathering to me. Couple2 can lah coz the place was so0o0 squeezy. Couldn't possibly have the lunching there. No no no no.. A lot of other places struck off the list but my favourite was Tambuah Mas Restaurant. "Food is halal mdm but no halal certification coz we serve beer." ???!!!???!! Are u kidding me? :S How can the food be "halal" when the place serve non-halal beverage? They use the term "halal" very loosely nowadays. Very worrying trend. Also "no pork, no lard"= halal? When did that happen? To each his own I guess but NO thanks ha. Reservation thus cancelled. TMas can serve bak kut teh for all I care but what kinda got to me is that the receptionist (disappointingly malay some more) should at least have told me they serve beer. I cannot imagine if we were already there and then wat? We would have to scramble for someplace else. I would not have appreciated this and I will show it. Thank God it didn't come to that coz I think it would have been a spoiler to the day. And another thing. I just have to ask this, why the heck do they have to serve alocoholic beverage in the 1st place? You have a malay sounding restaurant name for goodness sake. Aw man. I can go oooon and oooon about this but no need lah. No point. Just gotta add that I understand it makes sound business sense to cater to ALL but by doing so, it really just did the opposite. Practising muslims will indefinitely shun the place as it is a blatant contradiction. Pft! I think the management knows this but we're too minor a group in this "moderna" day and age to make any impact in their decision making so... another one bites the dust if you ask me. Nevermind. Insya Allah, our good deeds will be rewarded. We try. Yessa! So syabas to my dear Gentle G for being smarter than everyone else. haha! 100 "halal" points added to u! :) yea.
Phew. Such a long-winded, opinionated me. What's new? :S
Well anywaysss... It was the 1st time for the Sabani family to makan at Sakura, DTown East. Org P Ris 1st time, org Ishun dah gi ni.. heee.. I liked the place. Alhamdulillah. The place was proper and the food was nice lah. Visually tempted. Thank God Oya Oyea came along. Oya was the champion lah that day. Berbaloi lah katakan. I still can hear the words she said, "k, I haven't eaten my ice-cream AND dessert eh." hahaahaa!! Kak. Normal ppl would think ice-cream IS dessert but no no no no.. not for my dear Oya sis. She separates the two like it's 2 different main courses. hahahaaa.. Power la kak! U da tong! heehee.. but seriously, wish I could eat like you. Envy..envy..
The whole affair made me very happy, yes yes. I was loving every single moment of it. It looked right, it felt right. mmmmmm... The seating arrangement was kinda awkward tho. Kena corner daaah. heee... Not my doing ah.
see what i mean? hmmmm... :-)
But insya Allah, over time, there won't be a need for any arrangement at all. Seat where you like. Be comfortable. Be yourself. Coz we like yo0o0o0o0ouuu. Yes we do0o0o0.. hahaha.. U need proof? Picture below says it all. =)

I call this "Picture Of Approval". Me so happee.. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
Altogether now. Everybody say, "Pricelesssssss"! hee...
One thing for sure, I'd love to do this again. The whole family + 1 gathering i mean. I had a good time and I honestly hope everyone else did. Not just the food but the whole situation la. Insya Allah I hope for this to be permanent. Insya Allah. Altogether now. Amin! Wow!!! heee...
Awak. Mmmmmmmm..... 3hrs and 20minutes to go......
P/S: Switis Sheens such a good PA. Thanks for the reminder doll.
*1 bye bye to ur slipper and welcome 2 other pairs ( bata and 2.90)
*2 misha yawn w/o covering her mouthx3
(told ya I can add this in. Although there's no relevance but what the heck.
Appreciate all the same. Smile!)
02062007. It's MAKAN TIME! :D
Disclaimer: Before we proceed, this is THE VERY 1ST TIME I've posted pictures. Pictures that matter anyways. Been contemplating for a quite a while whether to post or not to post.... Now THAT is the qstn of the day. Insya Allah, you guys are gonna meet up someday so why not yah? Awak, brace yourself. It's aaaaaaalll good. :D
I was waaay excited for the makan together-gether with the Sabani Family featuring my Gentle G. hee.. Initial hiccups along the way with the venue. Couldn't decide where really. Luckily we rackeyed Sakura at FE Plaza eh wak. The place is SO not for family gathering to me. Couple2 can lah coz the place was so0o0 squeezy. Couldn't possibly have the lunching there. No no no no.. A lot of other places struck off the list but my favourite was Tambuah Mas Restaurant. "Food is halal mdm but no halal certification coz we serve beer." ???!!!???!! Are u kidding me? :S How can the food be "halal" when the place serve non-halal beverage? They use the term "halal" very loosely nowadays. Very worrying trend. Also "no pork, no lard"= halal? When did that happen? To each his own I guess but NO thanks ha. Reservation thus cancelled. TMas can serve bak kut teh for all I care but what kinda got to me is that the receptionist (disappointingly malay some more) should at least have told me they serve beer. I cannot imagine if we were already there and then wat? We would have to scramble for someplace else. I would not have appreciated this and I will show it. Thank God it didn't come to that coz I think it would have been a spoiler to the day. And another thing. I just have to ask this, why the heck do they have to serve alocoholic beverage in the 1st place? You have a malay sounding restaurant name for goodness sake. Aw man. I can go oooon and oooon about this but no need lah. No point. Just gotta add that I understand it makes sound business sense to cater to ALL but by doing so, it really just did the opposite. Practising muslims will indefinitely shun the place as it is a blatant contradiction. Pft! I think the management knows this but we're too minor a group in this "moderna" day and age to make any impact in their decision making so... another one bites the dust if you ask me. Nevermind. Insya Allah, our good deeds will be rewarded. We try. Yessa! So syabas to my dear Gentle G for being smarter than everyone else. haha! 100 "halal" points added to u! :) yea.
Phew. Such a long-winded, opinionated me. What's new? :S
Well anywaysss... It was the 1st time for the Sabani family to makan at Sakura, DTown East. Org P Ris 1st time, org Ishun dah gi ni.. heee.. I liked the place. Alhamdulillah. The place was proper and the food was nice lah. Visually tempted. Thank God Oya Oyea came along. Oya was the champion lah that day. Berbaloi lah katakan. I still can hear the words she said, "k, I haven't eaten my ice-cream AND dessert eh." hahaahaa!! Kak. Normal ppl would think ice-cream IS dessert but no no no no.. not for my dear Oya sis. She separates the two like it's 2 different main courses. hahahaaa.. Power la kak! U da tong! heehee.. but seriously, wish I could eat like you. Envy..envy..
The whole affair made me very happy, yes yes. I was loving every single moment of it. It looked right, it felt right. mmmmmm... The seating arrangement was kinda awkward tho. Kena corner daaah. heee... Not my doing ah.
But insya Allah, over time, there won't be a need for any arrangement at all. Seat where you like. Be comfortable. Be yourself. Coz we like yo0o0o0o0ouuu. Yes we do0o0o0.. hahaha.. U need proof? Picture below says it all. =)
I call this "Picture Of Approval". Me so happee.. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
Altogether now. Everybody say, "Pricelesssssss"! hee...
One thing for sure, I'd love to do this again. The whole family + 1 gathering i mean. I had a good time and I honestly hope everyone else did. Not just the food but the whole situation la. Insya Allah I hope for this to be permanent. Insya Allah. Altogether now. Amin! Wow!!! heee...
Awak. Mmmmmmmm..... 3hrs and 20minutes to go......
P/S: Switis Sheens such a good PA. Thanks for the reminder doll.
*1 bye bye to ur slipper and welcome 2 other pairs ( bata and 2.90)
*2 misha yawn w/o covering her mouthx3
(told ya I can add this in. Although there's no relevance but what the heck.
Appreciate all the same. Smile!)
Lagi 5 days..Mmmmmmmmm...Sorie eh wak..Many2 sorie..Too hot to handle!che ha ha..
!!!SURPRISE!!! hee hee..
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