"Good morning, how can I help?"
Already a year to 9th May 2006. Cepat sey. Time really flies huh. The time has come for me to sign on the dotted line again. Confirming to continue at current employment for yet another year.
"We are excited about having you join us and look forward to welcoming you at SCS." Those are the words that explains it all. Hey, I'm excited too. Syukur Alhamdulillah atas rezkiMu ini. Terms and conditions suitable? Yes, they are, thank you. :) Although I did have to put up a fight, the outcome is generously positive. To think I almost settled. I'm glad I didn't, but even if I did settle for that 1st offer, I wouldn't have minded also. Aaaaaall is good. The beginning of 3rd year. Feels like I've been here for more than that. I guess that's a good thing yah. The colleagues, gerek. Sumer satu hati. Tak kira bahasa, bangsa atau agama. Haahaa.. The very 1st workplace for me where all the ppl are a mellow bunch. Not hyped at all. All the family-oriented sort. No clubbing talk whatsoever. I like that. Chill.. It's helpdesk (sometimes helldesk) against the public. Hahahaa.. Irritating public. I can whine and complain about the public till no end, but come pay day, I'm silenced. Heeee.. Standard. Complaining will start again when saham dah merosot (usually a few days later. pft!).. Tu pon standard jgak.. hehee...
home away from home...
So I'm staying. With more responsibilities this time. I dun mind at all. In fact, I find myself welcoming the chance to prove my worth. I'm surprised at my own behaviour, really. I'm taking this quite well, even if I do say so myself. I guess it beats the mundaness of "hello, can I help?" Also, hopefully, with this added in-charge duty, they'll realise that they actually need me. I'm indispensable. Yaaaah right... :P Who knows right? But BC HR did share the managements' view on my performance. Dun want to state them here lah. Tak best lah nak share. Mcm riya' plak. :p Let's just say I like, glad and appreciate with what was shared. HAPPY!
The past few days tho, got me thinking. If I do leave this place, I realised there's one thing that I'd miss about SCS. What can it be?.............................
My Dreamwalk.
The walkway to/from work. Something about this passageway that just calms me. Not just a path, it provides time to reflect on myself (i should control my temper better tmr), to just forget about the crappiness of the day (stupid callers, degil smcm) and be happy and grateful for the day. Really a moment to myself I guess. I need that. No other employement can provide me this. Who would have thought, the one incentive the company can offer to me is not written on the contract at all. hee... Just look at them huge tress. Very pretty right. The one above is my favourite. Temptation to climb it, everytime I pass it. Hee... Tapi... ada orang plak. Hmmm..
I'm counting my blessings really. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
Before I end this, I gotta add this lah. Sheens, you're swit. It's official. 160507. Super Switi Sheens Day. hahaa!! Girlfriend told me to write in the "international" language in the future. Think she meant English lah so she can read my entries. Swit right? Wait, it gets sweeter. Switty Sheens actually did online translation from Malay to English just so she can know what I write! Gosh! A for effort lah girl! Naturally I gotta ask her " a) are my posts that interesting that she die2 needs to know or b) is she just being her natural Kpo self? Answer is B. Can't say I'm surprised really. Haahaaa.. Cute la Sheens. But cuteness aside, you seriously gotta anwer more calls. Honeymoon's over. You got waaaay too much time on your hands. heee hee.. (Notice I wrote this whole paragraph in the "international" languange, as per your request.) I'm so considerate and you're most welcome. *wink*
Aaaawww... Swity Sheen's shy.. (Nice watch)
p/s: any requests to bring down any pictures will not be entertained. Haahaa! Luv ya, swit!
"We are excited about having you join us and look forward to welcoming you at SCS." Those are the words that explains it all. Hey, I'm excited too. Syukur Alhamdulillah atas rezkiMu ini. Terms and conditions suitable? Yes, they are, thank you. :) Although I did have to put up a fight, the outcome is generously positive. To think I almost settled. I'm glad I didn't, but even if I did settle for that 1st offer, I wouldn't have minded also. Aaaaaall is good. The beginning of 3rd year. Feels like I've been here for more than that. I guess that's a good thing yah. The colleagues, gerek. Sumer satu hati. Tak kira bahasa, bangsa atau agama. Haahaa.. The very 1st workplace for me where all the ppl are a mellow bunch. Not hyped at all. All the family-oriented sort. No clubbing talk whatsoever. I like that. Chill.. It's helpdesk (sometimes helldesk) against the public. Hahahaa.. Irritating public. I can whine and complain about the public till no end, but come pay day, I'm silenced. Heeee.. Standard. Complaining will start again when saham dah merosot (usually a few days later. pft!).. Tu pon standard jgak.. hehee...
So I'm staying. With more responsibilities this time. I dun mind at all. In fact, I find myself welcoming the chance to prove my worth. I'm surprised at my own behaviour, really. I'm taking this quite well, even if I do say so myself. I guess it beats the mundaness of "hello, can I help?" Also, hopefully, with this added in-charge duty, they'll realise that they actually need me. I'm indispensable. Yaaaah right... :P Who knows right? But BC HR did share the managements' view on my performance. Dun want to state them here lah. Tak best lah nak share. Mcm riya' plak. :p Let's just say I like, glad and appreciate with what was shared. HAPPY!
The past few days tho, got me thinking. If I do leave this place, I realised there's one thing that I'd miss about SCS. What can it be?.............................
The walkway to/from work. Something about this passageway that just calms me. Not just a path, it provides time to reflect on myself (i should control my temper better tmr), to just forget about the crappiness of the day (stupid callers, degil smcm) and be happy and grateful for the day. Really a moment to myself I guess. I need that. No other employement can provide me this. Who would have thought, the one incentive the company can offer to me is not written on the contract at all. hee... Just look at them huge tress. Very pretty right. The one above is my favourite. Temptation to climb it, everytime I pass it. Hee... Tapi... ada orang plak. Hmmm..
I'm counting my blessings really. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
Before I end this, I gotta add this lah. Sheens, you're swit. It's official. 160507. Super Switi Sheens Day. hahaa!! Girlfriend told me to write in the "international" language in the future. Think she meant English lah so she can read my entries. Swit right? Wait, it gets sweeter. Switty Sheens actually did online translation from Malay to English just so she can know what I write! Gosh! A for effort lah girl! Naturally I gotta ask her " a) are my posts that interesting that she die2 needs to know or b) is she just being her natural Kpo self? Answer is B. Can't say I'm surprised really. Haahaaa.. Cute la Sheens. But cuteness aside, you seriously gotta anwer more calls. Honeymoon's over. You got waaaay too much time on your hands. heee hee.. (Notice I wrote this whole paragraph in the "international" languange, as per your request.) I'm so considerate and you're most welcome. *wink*
Aaaawww... Swity Sheen's shy.. (Nice watch)
p/s: any requests to bring down any pictures will not be entertained. Haahaa! Luv ya, swit!
Good to know u sambung d contract..Awesome..Anyway saje je.letak comment..hahahaha..Ok go!!
Mmmmmmm X2
grrrrrr... mmmmmm...
Alhamdullilah got the contract.. simpan jgn tak simpan, u now wat I mean ; ) oya oyea..
u can help by taking my pic down plsssss.. so awful can thou im Swit la. haha
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