May 11, 2007

Celebrity Lookalike?! Puh-leeese!

K ppl, I'm traumatised. Actually not traumatised laaaah.
Drama mama onleee.. hmmmm...

There's a bit of idle time at work so kinda strayed to other sites... Discovered this website that scans your face (you gotta upload your face-front photo) and it will present you with the results of which hollywood celebrities you look most alike with. It even gives you a percentage similarity.. yaaaaahh riiiight...
Maybe you can sense some bitterness in my tone/type (eeerr...). Who wouldn't be? I know I shouldn't give a care to some stupid random online webresult coz I like what I see in the mirror, Alhamdulillah! But... aaaaw man. There's this particular person that I'm supposed to lookalike with and to me, she is far from pleasant looking. Simply NOT pretty laa..

:( Condoleezza Rice! Kaaauu! Stupid website. Hahaa!
Apa dah?! And the best part? The punchline? I think so tooo. :S I cannot dispute the result laaa. I can but not convincingly coz think yes, I agree. hee.. I DO look like her. pft!

I also realise that most of the celebrities that I'm supposed to lookalike are African American. Nothing against them really,in fact I think black is beautiful. But I am against looking like Condoleezza Rice. And....... I look 80% similar to Oprah. Oprah?! Imagine that! sigh... Queen Latifah, Gabriel Union. I haven't the slightest idea who this Gabriel Union person is and why she is significant enough to have her face listed online but yes I look like her too. I think it's my lips that polls such results. My thick luscious lips. hahaaa.. Lavina comes to mind as I’m typing this. Kinda miss her and those DFS days. Not the job per say, but rather the friends at work. Friends, not colleagues. Daily 5hrs of fun. Anyways, the one person the I am happy to look akin to though is Michelle Rodrigues. The lame-o website has that opinion too it seems. She played the gungho tomboy in Resident Evil. So ok lah ah.
She I'm OK with. heee...

To sum up this whining of an entry.. I've come to a conclusion that I look strict, garang and mcm iyer-iyer... Kompom. IF you dunno me la. Once you take the time to know me, I'm actually quite laidback, chill but still mcm iyer-iyer. Hahaaa!

But whatever it is, I like ME! No doubt about it.
Syukur Alhamdulillah.

p/s: dun even wana mention the link to that urgh website.
So dun ask. :P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

U mcm si Rice tu??? kalu me, ape eh??? kasi the web addresslah.. ingin tau jugak seh... yea, u are laidback, asal bleh but not serba boleh.. he he he he he.. macam iyer2??? yes, me agree wif dat 110%!!!.. Peace ; )

May 11, 2007 at 9:31 PM  
Blogger Sssshhh....Shah said...

eh eeehhh.. anak saper tu yg bobal? hmmmmmm.....

May 13, 2007 at 1:06 AM  

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