Thank YOU!
7 days' memories cramped into this 1 entry. Why? Because my shoulder finally decides to gimme a much needed break thus enabling me to type with substantially lesser pain. So without wasting vital sleeping time, here goes..
This has been quite a week. Painful, happy, touching and enlightening to say the least. I have been absent from work for 6 days. 6 days! And to think I just came back from CGH to get jabbed on my.. nvr u mind.. :S I was then given yet another 2 days MC! I need the off days to rest my arm but I can't help to worry that "ppl at work" might realise that I am indeed dispensable and decide not to renew my contract aft all. :s Aaah!.. Worrying is but a time-waster. So, me no care. I just wanna get better. I wanna be able to dokong all of my 3 children when I have them one day, Insya Allah. It's already affecting my life at the moment and it's not fun. Well, below is a simpulan :) to this memorable week and that long walk to remember. hee..
I am fortunate, I know this. Alhamdulillah! All praises belong to Allah. I'm surrounded by people who cares for me truly and I must say I am overwhelmed with appreciation and syukur thus this particular entry.
The day kinda jumpstarted for me with an appointment to meet an ex-colleague who also happens to be such a dear friend. GarGar, I always knew u were a thoughtful person before but I think you've outdone yourself yesterday. And yes, I have to agree with you. You just need to add "su" to Edgar, and wahla! you get SuGar. Sweetness. haha! Just the thought that you can remember my birthdate and to get to meet up with you is awesome enough. The gift is just icing on the birthdaycake, really. Thank YOU! I love it. Precious moments indeed. :)
Ode to my PCDs now. No birthday treat is too simple coming from you guys. Even if it's just a slice of a whole cake, I still appreciate it coz it's from you ppl.I appreciate the treat, Shem, Kek, Ah Lynn and of course, not forgetting Ramdzan. Thanks you guys. Dol, even tho you couldn't make it, want u to know I appreciate you too. Wish u were there.. But thanks for remembering all the same. Much much love!
"Ppl at work" presented me with a gift too! Now this is too much for me to handle. If it's just a normal gift, a simple thank you to all 17 ppl who contributed should suffice I think but when you're presented with ........... .
Moga Allah taa'la panjangkan umur ibu bapaku. Amin.
Even Dhil took the trouble to come down to meet me. Thanks eh Dhil. :)
Thank YOU all for the kind words, the pressies, the kind gestures and even for having me in your thoughts to have remembered my birthday in the 1st place. I can only say thanks in return.
Before I end this, I wanna highlight a new found friend o'mine. Thank you for allowing me to monopolise your last off day by accompanying me the whole of my birthday. You know who you are. :)You were great company and I enjoyed the becokness btwn us.Haha! But that day, I kinda felt you were on self-entertained mode for a while (hee..) coz I coudn't be more involved in our talks as much as I would like to coz of the constant sharp pain. But I didn't mind at all u talk. I enjoy listening. You're like a walking kamus, ya know that. haha! But I really hope you weren't irritated by my whining. And awak, i thank you for your honesty, really. Strictly P&C ok. It doesn't change anything except make things clearer btwn us. Just want you to know that. Keep moving forward but do not ever forget the past. It helps us to remain focus on days the iman is low... And thanks for the ice-cream treat. Finally seh.haha!! I'm kidding. :p But to think that that was my first time.. Special sungguh. :) Thanks eh wak. But seriously, Thank YOU for being my friend too. The feeling is mutual.
I am so grateful..... Alhamdulillah.
~Allah selamatkan aishah... Amin.~
~Allah selamatkan Nora...... Amin ~
(Sis and I share the same birthdate! How cool is that?! near-miss twins)
p/s: conclusion to this lengthy simpulan at 2am. Tersimpul-simpul jadiknyer.. Hee.. Just had an intense "convo" with someone and I just have to selit this before I call it a day. Like a friend once said before, "kiter lei plan ajer tapi Allah Taa'la Yang mengconfirmkan. So true. Insya Allah eh. Kalau diizinkan, direstui, panjang umur, Insya Allah. Mesti K nyer.. Ish... Hahaaa!! ;)
Whatever happens, happens for a good reason and Allah Knows best.
I'll be okay... :)
me Edgar fan.. he he he he he sooooo sweet..
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