La PlogĀ© *reality injected version*
I went to Challenger the other day with my bro and cozie to get this new keyboard I'm typin on. The old one went kaput and nobody knew why. Initially, everyone pointed the accusing finger at Fitri for her excessive and uncontrollable MSN/Imeem habit. Actual fact, Gji spilled water on the old one while surfing her Disney page, rendering it useless. She confessed only after we bought the new one. Clever girl. Good riddance I say as it was such a challenge typing on that old keyboard. Keys so rabak that you can't press gingerly to type. U have to actually hit hard on each letter for the words to materialise on screen. Urgh. As a result, it took me 1hr to write a 30minute entry. Not to mention the unnecessary add-on pain on this existing neck&shoulder injury. I seriously think I gotta start learning how to function as a left-hander now, just in case. :( I need to add this new keyboard isn't any better. Maybe the fact that it came with the pricetag of only $19 has got something to do with how crappy it is. There's a fine line btwn being frugal and being cheap. Think we've crossed that line that day. hmm...
Back to the plot. At Challenger, I found the prototype of my La Plog! The very second I saw the thing, I realised I should just post this entry already because the invention of La Plog will never materialise. :S (Shut up guys.)
It looked exactly as what I imagined it to be. A cute lil' thing, a lil' bit bigger than the size of an A4. I proceeded to make believe I was at the beach and pretended to type a blog entry on it, (heee..) and it felt so0o0o0o right. One minor detail made me let go of this ingenious idea though. That cute machine I saw was an actual laptop. What a spoiler. As much as I hate to admit it, nobody needs a bloody La Plog when there are laptops that small. TH. But there's a catch. There's always a catch. In this case, it's an expensive $2599 catch. So this may be a dejavu read but it is the original (with all the P&C details included) version with a bite of reality nonetheless. Impractical or not, I still hope that someone can entertain this idea coz I know I will be the 1st customer for it.
I had a conversation with my bro the other night about how I'd love to own a laptop, over a highly-priced dinner at MacD's. :s (I can't help but feel Ronald and gang are making clowns of us each time i go there with the damn X happy meals they serve. (happiness more for them than us, I think). The punchline? We always go back for more... :(
The conversation started coz the lady sitting next to our table was happily surfing on one. Typical case of "I want what she has". I noticed, while talking with bro, how Gji was counting to 100 to herself. (y? because she can, and the fact that we're having adult talk at that moment and she's on self-distract mode.) She looked so content.
That's the thing abt childhood. So much to learn, many things to discover. Counting to 100 is an achievement that you can declare with pride - "asha..asha. I can count to 100 u know. My papa thought me." You dun have a need for fancy gadgets and you certainly dun hope to own a laptop. But children we are no more, and I do want a laptop coz counting to 100 just doesn't bring me as much contentment and happiness as it does Gji. I wish it still would though coz then I wouldn't be tempted to spend big bucks.
"What do u need a laptop for?? I need one. Not you...." cries the ever needy bigbrother o'mine.
"You're just gona blog and stuff...", continues the bro, "unlike me. I'm gonna fully utilise the...bla..bla...."
little did he know, lil' sis has long left the conversation.
But he is right - I'm just gonna write and stuff ("stuff" in this case=watching DVDs & VCDs). That is gonna be a waste of a good laptop I admit. What I need is a tool solely for the purpose of writing your heart out anytime, anywhere you feel like . Imagine how cool it would be for you to whip out the gadget at the beach, void deck, library, at the kopi house and just sit ur ass at a corner (it has to be a corner. Good writing fengshui) and just get lost in a world of words. Hours spent waiting for that darn chronic late-comer friend will be more bearable. Just missed the bus? It's ok. Simply whip out the gadget and type,type,type ur frustrations away. Obviously you can also spend waiting for that next bus sms-ing your friends or listening to songs on ur mp3 and there's always dzikhir that you can say, but I'm just suggesting this could be another alternate way for us to spend our idle time.
a view of contentment at the park. Such bliss!
Like a person without a laptop, I sometimes go back to basics to pen my thoughts down on a piece of paper. Nothing wrong with that really but it can be rather "un-neat".
My handwriting/scribbles would make every doctor proud. Plus, like the unorganised person that I am, I tend to lose these pieces of paper after. tsk. Why this invention is not thought of yet is a wonder to me. In my opinion, it's existance is long overdue. If you happen to be an IT geek, no cancel that, dun think insulting the ppl you wanna seek help from will get you the desired results. So, if you happen to be rather good-looking coupled with an inviting personality and a genious at IT to boot, invent this gadget already. You'll just be sitting on a goldmine, if you don't. (Oh yah, bonus points if you happen to be Japanese.)
I can hear you cycnicals (aka baby) go,"why do u want something for 1 function only??Furthermore, tools like the pda, palmtop and even mobile phones already have blogging functions included." Kek will then add on with "This is a lame discussion. I dun wanna hear it. I dun even wanna read about it if you do post this up. It's that lame." followed by cackling by Ah Lynn and Misha in the background. :S But ladies, you look but you don't see.This invention doesn't have to be complicated. In fact, the-in-your-face, what-you-see-is-what-you-get-simplicity factor is the big draw. No calendar, no appt date list, no calculator. It has only 1 function and 1 function only and that is to provide mobility in blogging (sigh...) You cannot even be connected to WWW with it. It's purely for writing comfortably like you would on a laptop and not like msging a friend on ur hp. After the draft has been saved, you can then upload it to a site such as this to post it up. =) A must-have tool for aspiring writers or writer wannabes like me. (your choice) A "digital diary" if you will... A mobile typewriter.. Getting my drift?
<-- yah. this looks so0o0o0o comfortable.
My shoulder's are still aching just looking at the poor guy.
It can be tagged with the boring "Lap Log" for the obvious reason. Or you could fuse the words together and call it "Laplog"( to read quicker). Or you could also add a french twist to the fused word and call it La Plog.( to pucker the mouth when reading so it would sound " ler ploog" rather that "ler plog".) Brings the classy factor up a few notches coz of the french sounding name (even though the guys' who's gonna eventually invent this hails from Japan). Oh I need to add that a friend proposed yet another name for it. "Goblog" - Blog on the Go. haha dol. Very funny. :S Maybe then I can get 1 for you as a pressie coz we all know you also have thoughts in your head worth jotting down and posting up. Plus, Dol's classy. Wahahaaaa!! The art of subtlety. Dol... Dol... ;)haaaha.
introducing AGAIN...... La Plog! =)
Because La Plog has only a sole function, it can be sold at lesser than $100 a piece. Woo hoo! A classy, must-have gadget that you won't have to patch a hole in the pocket with the receipt after the purchase. How cool is that?! I welcome this invention with open arms and I will not be the only one. And I dare say it's gonna sell as fast as the overpriced hotcakes they serve at MacD's. And that's a good thing. =D
Disclaimer: I feel "lighter" now that this has been posted in its original state. Juicy details included, it now has the oomph factor again. Forget La Plog, I need to get meself a decent keyboard. :S
Back to the plot. At Challenger, I found the prototype of my La Plog! The very second I saw the thing, I realised I should just post this entry already because the invention of La Plog will never materialise. :S (Shut up guys.)
It looked exactly as what I imagined it to be. A cute lil' thing, a lil' bit bigger than the size of an A4. I proceeded to make believe I was at the beach and pretended to type a blog entry on it, (heee..) and it felt so0o0o0o right. One minor detail made me let go of this ingenious idea though. That cute machine I saw was an actual laptop. What a spoiler. As much as I hate to admit it, nobody needs a bloody La Plog when there are laptops that small. TH. But there's a catch. There's always a catch. In this case, it's an expensive $2599 catch. So this may be a dejavu read but it is the original (with all the P&C details included) version with a bite of reality nonetheless. Impractical or not, I still hope that someone can entertain this idea coz I know I will be the 1st customer for it.
I had a conversation with my bro the other night about how I'd love to own a laptop, over a highly-priced dinner at MacD's. :s (I can't help but feel Ronald and gang are making clowns of us each time i go there with the damn X happy meals they serve. (happiness more for them than us, I think). The punchline? We always go back for more... :(
The conversation started coz the lady sitting next to our table was happily surfing on one. Typical case of "I want what she has". I noticed, while talking with bro, how Gji was counting to 100 to herself. (y? because she can, and the fact that we're having adult talk at that moment and she's on self-distract mode.) She looked so content.
That's the thing abt childhood. So much to learn, many things to discover. Counting to 100 is an achievement that you can declare with pride - "asha..asha. I can count to 100 u know. My papa thought me." You dun have a need for fancy gadgets and you certainly dun hope to own a laptop. But children we are no more, and I do want a laptop coz counting to 100 just doesn't bring me as much contentment and happiness as it does Gji. I wish it still would though coz then I wouldn't be tempted to spend big bucks.
"What do u need a laptop for?? I need one. Not you...." cries the ever needy bigbrother o'mine.
"You're just gona blog and stuff...", continues the bro, "unlike me. I'm gonna fully utilise the...bla..bla...."
little did he know, lil' sis has long left the conversation.
But he is right - I'm just gonna write and stuff ("stuff" in this case=watching DVDs & VCDs). That is gonna be a waste of a good laptop I admit. What I need is a tool solely for the purpose of writing your heart out anytime, anywhere you feel like . Imagine how cool it would be for you to whip out the gadget at the beach, void deck, library, at the kopi house and just sit ur ass at a corner (it has to be a corner. Good writing fengshui) and just get lost in a world of words. Hours spent waiting for that darn chronic late-comer friend will be more bearable. Just missed the bus? It's ok. Simply whip out the gadget and type,type,type ur frustrations away. Obviously you can also spend waiting for that next bus sms-ing your friends or listening to songs on ur mp3 and there's always dzikhir that you can say, but I'm just suggesting this could be another alternate way for us to spend our idle time.
a view of contentment at the park. Such bliss!

Like a person without a laptop, I sometimes go back to basics to pen my thoughts down on a piece of paper. Nothing wrong with that really but it can be rather "un-neat".
My handwriting/scribbles would make every doctor proud. Plus, like the unorganised person that I am, I tend to lose these pieces of paper after. tsk. Why this invention is not thought of yet is a wonder to me. In my opinion, it's existance is long overdue. If you happen to be an IT geek, no cancel that, dun think insulting the ppl you wanna seek help from will get you the desired results. So, if you happen to be rather good-looking coupled with an inviting personality and a genious at IT to boot, invent this gadget already. You'll just be sitting on a goldmine, if you don't. (Oh yah, bonus points if you happen to be Japanese.)
I can hear you cycnicals (aka baby) go,"why do u want something for 1 function only??Furthermore, tools like the pda, palmtop and even mobile phones already have blogging functions included." Kek will then add on with "This is a lame discussion. I dun wanna hear it. I dun even wanna read about it if you do post this up. It's that lame." followed by cackling by Ah Lynn and Misha in the background. :S But ladies, you look but you don't see.This invention doesn't have to be complicated. In fact, the-in-your-face, what-you-see-is-what-you-get-simplicity factor is the big draw. No calendar, no appt date list, no calculator. It has only 1 function and 1 function only and that is to provide mobility in blogging (sigh...) You cannot even be connected to WWW with it. It's purely for writing comfortably like you would on a laptop and not like msging a friend on ur hp. After the draft has been saved, you can then upload it to a site such as this to post it up. =) A must-have tool for aspiring writers or writer wannabes like me. (your choice) A "digital diary" if you will... A mobile typewriter.. Getting my drift?

My shoulder's are still aching just looking at the poor guy.
It can be tagged with the boring "Lap Log" for the obvious reason. Or you could fuse the words together and call it "Laplog"( to read quicker). Or you could also add a french twist to the fused word and call it La Plog.( to pucker the mouth when reading so it would sound " ler ploog" rather that "ler plog".) Brings the classy factor up a few notches coz of the french sounding name (even though the guys' who's gonna eventually invent this hails from Japan). Oh I need to add that a friend proposed yet another name for it. "Goblog" - Blog on the Go. haha dol. Very funny. :S Maybe then I can get 1 for you as a pressie coz we all know you also have thoughts in your head worth jotting down and posting up. Plus, Dol's classy. Wahahaaaa!! The art of subtlety. Dol... Dol... ;)haaaha.
introducing AGAIN...... La Plog! =)

Because La Plog has only a sole function, it can be sold at lesser than $100 a piece. Woo hoo! A classy, must-have gadget that you won't have to patch a hole in the pocket with the receipt after the purchase. How cool is that?! I welcome this invention with open arms and I will not be the only one. And I dare say it's gonna sell as fast as the overpriced hotcakes they serve at MacD's. And that's a good thing. =D
Disclaimer: I feel "lighter" now that this has been posted in its original state. Juicy details included, it now has the oomph factor again. Forget La Plog, I need to get meself a decent keyboard. :S
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