3 days in 1 - I'm lovin' it!
I'm in the office now till 12midnight. Modern-day Cinderella for the whole of this week... till this Friday. :S Suckydoddle. But nvm that. You gotta do what you gotta do. Whining, complaining, merengek-ing will not change the fact that it's ur turn working the night shift this week so Sssssshh Shah. hmmm... 5 days more. 5 lo0o0o0o0ong lonely days. :( But it's ok lah I guess. There's the saying in the International language: Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
In Malay: jauh di mata, dekat di hati. Maybe my dearest Italiano Benggal can help with the translation in Italian? Senor.. Senor.. hahhaaahha! mmmmmmissing you..
3 days came slowly but the same 3 days gone kinda quickly. Sigh.. Well, I got to spend all of those 3 days with my Gentle G. Power gedegak! It was awesome to be greeted by dat someone after a long hard day's work. I like that feeling. I'm lovin' it. hee... Insya Allah, every day in the future? I'm so0o0o gonna love that.
Somewhere only WE know was amazing as usual. I suspect the person I'm with has a lot to do with how awesome the place is really. Anywhere is cool as long as that person is by me side. Aaaaaaaww... Mmmmmmmmm... there's 1 particular thing that I can remember now. Cough cough cough! hahahaa! awak OK tak? hee.. that was so0o0 funny! Cough some more.. Ish! =)
Oh yah, another kelakar seram happening. Long John of The Dead!! Hahahaha! Now that was hilarious.... but also evil at the same time. Sorry sickly China lady. We cannot help it laa. It was entertainment at it's best. Buy a meal and you get entertainment, FREE. "Welcome to Looong Jooohn.." "Thaank yoou foor coming........ Seee you agaaain..What the?! Wake up people! heee.. Say No to drugs! hahaa..
After the big big laughs, we headed out but only after getting the scratch tix. 2 tix ah. Nevermind the Macbook, we won ourselves coleslaws. Yea! So excited!! Tensssss hor.
VivoCity was so big that we, me and Senor Andy, just had to return to cont checking out the place on the 3rd day. It was cool. I prefer Marina for shopping coz to me, Marina has the same outlets Vivo has and more. But Vivo's unique upside is the location and scenery. With it being at the end of the island, the crowd is lesser than town's. So that 's a BIG plus point. Another thing, it overlooks Sentosa. Verry nice. Verry nice indeed. Awak, cable car soon yah. heeeehee..
"Okaaay.. noted." heehee.. Sayang awak! But the one deciding factor that Vivo is cooler is the journey back home. =) So ViVo: 3, Marina: 1. heee..
I did do some shopping there. An XL Zara "knitwear?" and 2 G2000 singlets, also XL! I dunno why, so dun ask. The XL singlets makes sense coz I just want it's length but the XL Zara Knitwear is a bit worrying. Either the cutting is waaaay too small for me to have to choose that size or Zara is catering to anorexics nowadays. I seriously think it's both. :S
We roamed and roamed ard the mall till it's makan time. "Hay ho hay??" Haaaaayy... *wink* Who can forget the the not one, but 2 lychee drinks? hahaaa! And to finish it off with a glass of warm susu halia. Apa tak ber"ombak" perot tu?! hehee. Ki-ut! Qstn: the ramp or the stairs? hhmmm.. :D mmmmmmmm... mmm... mmm.....
toilet? aaaaaaahhh!!.. hahaaha. suka? suka sgt! em-eem. :P
I'm having fun all over again just writing about this. Muka ada senyyyuuum.. heehee..
Everyday is an opportunity to learn. These past few days, I learnt of new hobbies I own. Long escalator rides... Long bus rides.. Too fast, too furious? Nah, not for me. I'd rather go slow and steady. The longer the ride the better. I hate goodbyes. And of course, I love my bonc! Top of the favourite list.
I consider meself to be a fair and just person, really. But if u think otherwise...... I dun care! Hahaha! Tak fair fair? tak pedulik! hahaaa! awak, mmmmmmm x3 ah.
And yang, next time bawak camera k. Trima kasih cik. Terharu saya.
Insya Allah, one day.....
All praises belong To Allah. I still cannot believe it.
Awak, you watch out ah! =) *wink*
5 days. 5 long days. haaaaiizzz...
- if this is a dream, dun wake me up. sleeping with mouth open. Ish... -
In Malay: jauh di mata, dekat di hati. Maybe my dearest Italiano Benggal can help with the translation in Italian? Senor.. Senor.. hahhaaahha! mmmmmmissing you..
3 days came slowly but the same 3 days gone kinda quickly. Sigh.. Well, I got to spend all of those 3 days with my Gentle G. Power gedegak! It was awesome to be greeted by dat someone after a long hard day's work. I like that feeling. I'm lovin' it. hee... Insya Allah, every day in the future? I'm so0o0o gonna love that.
Somewhere only WE know was amazing as usual. I suspect the person I'm with has a lot to do with how awesome the place is really. Anywhere is cool as long as that person is by me side. Aaaaaaaww... Mmmmmmmmm... there's 1 particular thing that I can remember now. Cough cough cough! hahahaa! awak OK tak? hee.. that was so0o0 funny! Cough some more.. Ish! =)
Oh yah, another kelakar seram happening. Long John of The Dead!! Hahahaha! Now that was hilarious.... but also evil at the same time. Sorry sickly China lady. We cannot help it laa. It was entertainment at it's best. Buy a meal and you get entertainment, FREE. "Welcome to Looong Jooohn.." "Thaank yoou foor coming........ Seee you agaaain..What the?! Wake up people! heee.. Say No to drugs! hahaa..
After the big big laughs, we headed out but only after getting the scratch tix. 2 tix ah. Nevermind the Macbook, we won ourselves coleslaws. Yea! So excited!! Tensssss hor.
VivoCity was so big that we, me and Senor Andy, just had to return to cont checking out the place on the 3rd day. It was cool. I prefer Marina for shopping coz to me, Marina has the same outlets Vivo has and more. But Vivo's unique upside is the location and scenery. With it being at the end of the island, the crowd is lesser than town's. So that 's a BIG plus point. Another thing, it overlooks Sentosa. Verry nice. Verry nice indeed. Awak, cable car soon yah. heeeehee..
"Okaaay.. noted." heehee.. Sayang awak! But the one deciding factor that Vivo is cooler is the journey back home. =) So ViVo: 3, Marina: 1. heee..
I did do some shopping there. An XL Zara "knitwear?" and 2 G2000 singlets, also XL! I dunno why, so dun ask. The XL singlets makes sense coz I just want it's length but the XL Zara Knitwear is a bit worrying. Either the cutting is waaaay too small for me to have to choose that size or Zara is catering to anorexics nowadays. I seriously think it's both. :S
We roamed and roamed ard the mall till it's makan time. "Hay ho hay??" Haaaaayy... *wink* Who can forget the the not one, but 2 lychee drinks? hahaaa! And to finish it off with a glass of warm susu halia. Apa tak ber"ombak" perot tu?! hehee. Ki-ut! Qstn: the ramp or the stairs? hhmmm.. :D mmmmmmmm... mmm... mmm.....
toilet? aaaaaaahhh!!.. hahaaha. suka? suka sgt! em-eem. :P
I'm having fun all over again just writing about this. Muka ada senyyyuuum.. heehee..
Everyday is an opportunity to learn. These past few days, I learnt of new hobbies I own. Long escalator rides... Long bus rides.. Too fast, too furious? Nah, not for me. I'd rather go slow and steady. The longer the ride the better. I hate goodbyes. And of course, I love my bonc! Top of the favourite list.
I consider meself to be a fair and just person, really. But if u think otherwise...... I dun care! Hahaha! Tak fair fair? tak pedulik! hahaaa! awak, mmmmmmm x3 ah.
And yang, next time bawak camera k. Trima kasih cik. Terharu saya.
All praises belong To Allah. I still cannot believe it.
Awak, you watch out ah! =) *wink*
5 days. 5 long days. haaaaiizzz...
- if this is a dream, dun wake me up. sleeping with mouth open. Ish... -
Still lom leh beli kan ur small gift..D wallet so small eh..Sorie la..But sstill wanna buy u a gift jugak la..Senor must find something..Anyways,cable car,mandai zoo n some other things insyallah kita sampai jugak..ehehehe..mmmmmmmmmm X 4!!!5 Loooonnnggg Days...hehehe...Hang on tthere..
hey, it's ok Senor. It'sssorite. Senorita doesn't mind. Coz most most to most (heee...) it's the thot dat counts. Appreciate you lah..
mmmmmm.... mmmmm.. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..
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