K-lick!! K-lick! weee....
While time passes me by, I'm oblivious with a cuppa in hand. 
The picture's so 3.2megapixel Klear. gerek. *wink* :D
So many things to do, so lil' time. Time waits for no man and I feel left behind most times. My wonder wonder brain is on hyper-mode ON lately. And it's a mess. If my mind's a room, I reckon it's gonna look something like the picture here ->
Let's just say I'm not PA material ok. Life can be a mess sometimes but my random thoughts are just plain Kaotic. I think about everything all the time and it can be VERY random. This is scary for me. I'm supposed to be in-charge of an event but this is turning out to quite a feat. Woah! The picture says it all..... :S I need to spring clean this head lah. Tell me how. Anyone?
I keep saying "Come back Shah. Come back" coz I drift too much too fast....... Oh well, where was I? hee.. See what I mean? K k. serious exciting stuff now. K fon!
If you're the lucky ones who get to see me on a daily basis, surely you would have known that your dearest Aishah here has got herself a new mobile phone. Yay! :P I gotta state here that I'm no hp junkie. I belong to the group of peeps who dun see the need to change hps if said hp is working perfect. Du-uh. The times I did get replacements was either it went kaput or it MIAed on me. So bo pian, there's a NEED to get a new hp then ya. So in this particular situation , dun mind frugal me if I say that this is kind of a big deal coz my maroon moto is still working fine. In fact, I haven't used my moto enough yet honestly. So to get a new hp before it's "expiry date" is just not me. The lovely reason for this hefty-priced purchased? K for Kamera. Been wanting to get a digicam for "once upon a time ago", thot I might as well get a Sony E K fon. Koolest of da kool laaah.. hhahaahaha.. And thanks to Lorraine, I've got the cover in red/maroon now. It's a bit bulky I guess. Reminds me of one of those Transformers.. robots in disguise.. hahaha.. nvm that, it's still way kool. I simply love it! Alhamdulillah! I may have blown my budget for July but I'm pretty sure this is a great buy. No thanks to GSS I must add. :S Oh well, I'm gonna let the pix do the talkin'. Klikz!
come on Mi! u can at least fake the excitement. It's a K-Fon. Smile!

Now th at's better. heee..heee. Another member for the K Klub Klan. Wat?! pft.
Nice pictures so far ah. I LIKE. It gets better. When I say "it", I mean MY picture shots. hahahaa! :p
GST = greet, SMILE, thanks. :S 
Meet the fans session. Queen Q and smiley-face Misha. heeeheee... :p

"Help! Guys, I dunno what I'm doing and I think the user knows I'm talking crap! Help!" hahahha. K= kidding! Sorry my switi Sheens. You can write whatever u wan on your blog k. I can't help it lah. heee.. U Da Swit! There was another nice shot of me with Sheens but switz here made a funny face which borderlined on the crazed-look instead. So not gonna post that picture lah. I'm sweet and considerate. I know. *wink* :)
<-Who can this be? Ah Chuen? Shy? Eeeerrr..... kidding me? :S 
Tsk! tsk! You can try to hide but you will STILL be cybershot. hahhaaha. I like Lamenesssss.. :)
2nd last evening shift with Ah Chuen. Hmmm.... Gonna miss the beng.
But..but..but. The best of the "bestest" of the best picture is none other than............................. :)
Aish & Andy. mmmmmmmmmmmm... Sayang awak.
no bite nails. :)
...Picture paints a thousand words....

The picture's so 3.2megapixel Klear. gerek. *wink* :D
So many things to do, so lil' time. Time waits for no man and I feel left behind most times. My wonder wonder brain is on hyper-mode ON lately. And it's a mess. If my mind's a room, I reckon it's gonna look something like the picture here ->

I keep saying "Come back Shah. Come back" coz I drift too much too fast....... Oh well, where was I? hee.. See what I mean? K k. serious exciting stuff now. K fon!
If you're the lucky ones who get to see me on a daily basis, surely you would have known that your dearest Aishah here has got herself a new mobile phone. Yay! :P I gotta state here that I'm no hp junkie. I belong to the group of peeps who dun see the need to change hps if said hp is working perfect. Du-uh. The times I did get replacements was either it went kaput or it MIAed on me. So bo pian, there's a NEED to get a new hp then ya. So in this particular situation , dun mind frugal me if I say that this is kind of a big deal coz my maroon moto is still working fine. In fact, I haven't used my moto enough yet honestly. So to get a new hp before it's "expiry date" is just not me. The lovely reason for this hefty-priced purchased? K for Kamera. Been wanting to get a digicam for "once upon a time ago", thot I might as well get a Sony E K fon. Koolest of da kool laaah.. hhahaahaha.. And thanks to Lorraine, I've got the cover in red/maroon now. It's a bit bulky I guess. Reminds me of one of those Transformers.. robots in disguise.. hahaha.. nvm that, it's still way kool. I simply love it! Alhamdulillah! I may have blown my budget for July but I'm pretty sure this is a great buy. No thanks to GSS I must add. :S Oh well, I'm gonna let the pix do the talkin'. Klikz!

Meet the fans session. Queen Q and smiley-fac

"Help! Guys, I dunno what I'm doing and I think the user knows I'm talking crap! Help!" hahahha. K= kidding! Sorry my switi Sheens. You can write whatever u wan on your blog k. I can't help it lah. heee.. U Da Swit! There was another nice shot of me with Sheens but switz here made a funny face which borderlined on the crazed-look instead. So not gonna post that picture lah. I'm sweet and considerate. I know. *wink* :)

Tsk! tsk! You can try to hide but you will STILL be cybershot. hahhaaha. I like Lamenesssss.. :)
2nd last evening shift with Ah Chuen. Hmmm.... Gonna miss the beng.
But..but..but. The best of the "bestest" of the best picture is none other than............................. :)

no bite nails. :)
...Picture paints a thousand words....
ok ok..K is for kool,kerek,kamera,kesukaan,keinginan,kelekaan(look behind every time),keseronokan,kelebihan dan kesayangan..hahahhaa..pa seh?ok takpa..bual2 sorang kat depan laptop..never mind dat..Anyways...like d last pic..Best of d best pic kan?rite?Tapi senyum always sama..Tapi kan..tahu je la..Saya nya lebih eh..
Awak baca nie maybe time awak di kerja..Coz saya terima msg anda yg anda da nak terlena..Jadi kan,saya lum ngantok so saya comment la..hahahaha..Thanks hor..
My name is SAM
why is my ugly pic up here agn? aiya.. show nice pics of mi can.. haha! i miss u leh.. work so unlively w/o AISHA
K = Kiut.
Sengram.. sengram.. .Ish! mmmmm…
Tak ku sangka senyumanku selama ini adalah…….. FAKE.
K = Kaaaauu!… bingit sey. Hahaha!
Lebih? Memang terlebih. Ek?
Fake smile or not, my sayang for u is reeeeal. Wo0o0o0oo… heee..
Right smack in da middle!
I like SAM.
to: sheens-so-swit,
I WILL show nice pics of you when YOU DECIDE to POSE nice pictures of yourself. deal? haha!
sheens is finally correct in THIS subject matter: "work so unlively w/o AISHA". So true those words... :P
we "goofed ard" virtually yesterday coz we miss u to0o0o!! :D
hehe..cam kenal jer Queen Q tu...nice phone lah u have. Me jealous..cus till now i'sm still stuck with mine!
simple knowledge, but we have to know
for daily talking with families n friends
Why should the wedding ring be worn on the fourth finger?
There is a beautiful and convincing explanation given by the Chinese Legend...
Thumb represents your Parents
Second (Index) finger represents your Siblings
Middle finger represents your-Self
Fourth (Ring) finger represents your Life Partner
& the Last (Little) finger represents your children
Firstly, open your palms (face to face), bend the middle fingers and hold them together - back to back
Secondly, open and hold the remaining three fingers and the thumb - tip to tip
Now, try to separate your thumbs (representing the parents)..., they will open, because your parents are not destined to live with you lifelong, and have to leave you sooner or later.
Please join your thumbs as before and separate your Index fingers (representing siblings)... ., they will also open, because your brothers and sisters will have their own families and will have to lead their own separate lives.
Now join the Index fingers and separate your Little fingers (representing your children)... ., they will open too, because the children also will get married and settle down on their own some day.
Finally, join your Little fingers, and try to separate your Ring fingers (representing your spouse).
You will be surprised to see that you just CANNOT....., because Husband & Wife have to remain together all their lives - through thick and thin!!
Please try this out......... ....
My name is SAM
I tried it and I must say it IS a lovely theory indeed! So lomantik.. Thanks dearest SAM! We watch the movie soon ait. heee....
But after trying, I realised another thing. This you guys just have to try out too! *wink*
1)after practising said theory, separate the 2 hands from each other (with the middle fingers still bent).
2) Put those hands up in da air. (and wave 'em like u just dun care!) wat?! haha!
3) wat do u get?
Rock on! hahahaaaahhaa...
now DAT is one merraapek theory! :S
~~is it thursday yet?~
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