: One of 223 :
A brand new mobile. Yup Yup! :D Me got meself a brand new hp!
Well, not actually brand new lah but the condition's still tip-top, hip-hop, be-bop be doo bop.. what?!? hahaa.. Well, what do u expect? It's still a baby. Just 3 months old. It's practically 1st hand. :) Insya Allah I will post this excitement soon. Can you feel it? Excitement's in the air.
Kaaaauu! K for Kental me. Ish! hee...
When the photos are ready, so will the entry be posted. I like visuals. :D One thing I know instantly is that I LOVE THE KAMERA. I dun care what Sheen's take is on the matter. Sheens is usually wrong on ALL subject matter. Hahaa! (I'm kidding Sheens! I said "usually" not "always". Chill ah.) You will know why in due time. I'll post the lovely reason soon. Coming soon to a theatre near you. Sheeesh! :D No Epiracy pls.. *wink*
A totally non related topic now. Was clearing emails few days back. I came upon this particular one which I knew I just had to comment on. :S Me and my endless comments... Self-entertainment. :P
At first look, I thought this Ah-Emm was rolling tissue around her foot. Wonder wonder.. Now why would she do someting like that? Is it the starting process to mummify oneself in China? To have smooth, young looking feet even when you've reached half past 6 in life? Hmmmm... I'm intrigued.
Those who have received the e-mail may already know what this is about. But those in the not-know, our lovely Ah-Emm is holding a fag box beside a shoe. I think she's trying to tell us to compare the sizes btwn the two. So? They're about the same. So what's the deal? Deal is........ K wait. Before I post some more pics of Ah-Emm and her pretty feet, let us go back to school. :)
Ok class. Listen up! :D
During the Qing and Tang Dynasty, foot binding was the IN thing to do. WWW = What a Whacky World huh? Why do we do the things we do sometimes? Humans. Brilliant and complex creatures at the same time. Young girls' feet usually at age 6 but often earlier, were wrapped in tight bandages so that their feet could not grow and develop normally. The feet would instead break and become highly deformed, not growing past 4-6 inches. As the girl reached adulthood, her feet would remain small and dysfunctional. It became popular among people of all social classes as it was a status symbol. Status symbol to self-mutilate? I am amazed. But get this, only the poorest "couldn't afford" this practise as able-bodied poor women are needed to work the fields. This is fair and to me. Guess these "needy bunch" was saved by their poverty. Wealth in health I say. *wink* By being the "poorest" folks they are, they actually escape the risk of infection, paralysis and muscular atrophy. Whatever that means but I'm sure it's not something pretty. heee...
freaky freaky, I know...... Infection caught on camera!
I told you it's not pretty. What da heck is goin oooon? Aw man. My jaw dropped when I saw this pic. Ah-emm, what have you done? Why have you allowed others to deform you in such a manner? Why?? Hahaha.. Dramama. I can be quite the drama queen I know. Chill Shah. To be fair to the old lady, she may not want the tradition to be practised on her in the 1st place. Maybe she was forced outta her will at a helpless age of 6. Poor thing lah. I dunno whether I can handle such torture. I do not want to be in her place. No no no.. But get this, some do bind their feet to entice and attract men. Super weakness! Weakadoddle lah! That's plain wrong.
Yaaaaahhhh.. Raaaaaaite! I'm so0o0oo turned on. NOT. :S.jpg)
The four toes are wrapped and bind so that only the big toe is straight. Ouch! I think Ah-emm is trying to point to the exact "turn-on" point there. Haha! " Aaaaah here. It feels go0o0d here." Hahahahaha! Stop it Shah!
"Some scholars have claimed that the erotic effect was a function of the tiny steps and swaying walk of a woman whose feet had been bound. The very fact that the bound foot was concealed from men's eyes was, in and of itself, sexually suggestive." I am supposed to handicap myself just so men can enjoy the way I sway as I walk? Are you kidding me? Are you seriously kidding me? I'm so glad I wasn't born in the Qing Dynasty era. I would grow up a tomboy just to escape from bound feet and that I'm not kidding. Hahaha!! :P I would change my name from Ai Sah to some other macho chinese name. I cannot think of any now.. Pft. Whatever lah Shah.
This is such a random entry I cannot believe myself. heee.. I just got meself a cool handphone hours ago and here I am writing about bind feet. Apa dah.. I'm amazed that's all. The 1st time I saw bind feet in the flesh, shoe taken off. I appreciate the chance. Oo0o0o0 mcm gitu kah. Baru akak tau... hmmm... I'm easily fascinated lah so I guess that makes me easily excited thus making me the commentator that I am.
Shat. Up. Shah. heehee.. Comment too much also not good lah ah. So we're cutting down. Only comment on the neutral or the goodness. Yes yes.. :)
So bind feet aside, I must say our dear Ah-emm has quite a taste for shoes ah.
Kiut lil' red shoes. Wonder wonder if they have it in size 7 tho.. haha! ok I'm done. :P
Well, not actually brand new lah but the condition's still tip-top, hip-hop, be-bop be doo bop.. what?!? hahaa.. Well, what do u expect? It's still a baby. Just 3 months old. It's practically 1st hand. :) Insya Allah I will post this excitement soon. Can you feel it? Excitement's in the air.
Kaaaauu! K for Kental me. Ish! hee...
When the photos are ready, so will the entry be posted. I like visuals. :D One thing I know instantly is that I LOVE THE KAMERA. I dun care what Sheen's take is on the matter. Sheens is usually wrong on ALL subject matter. Hahaa! (I'm kidding Sheens! I said "usually" not "always". Chill ah.) You will know why in due time. I'll post the lovely reason soon. Coming soon to a theatre near you. Sheeesh! :D No Epiracy pls.. *wink*
A totally non related topic now. Was clearing emails few days back. I came upon this particular one which I knew I just had to comment on. :S Me and my endless comments... Self-entertainment. :P
Those who have received the e-mail may already know what this is about. But those in the not-know, our lovely Ah-Emm is holding a fag box beside a shoe. I think she's trying to tell us to compare the sizes btwn the two. So? They're about the same. So what's the deal? Deal is........ K wait. Before I post some more pics of Ah-Emm and her pretty feet, let us go back to school. :)
Ok class. Listen up! :D
During the Qing and Tang Dynasty, foot binding was the IN thing to do. WWW = What a Whacky World huh? Why do we do the things we do sometimes? Humans. Brilliant and complex creatures at the same time. Young girls' feet usually at age 6 but often earlier, were wrapped in tight bandages so that their feet could not grow and develop normally. The feet would instead break and become highly deformed, not growing past 4-6 inches. As the girl reached adulthood, her feet would remain small and dysfunctional. It became popular among people of all social classes as it was a status symbol. Status symbol to self-mutilate? I am amazed. But get this, only the poorest "couldn't afford" this practise as able-bodied poor women are needed to work the fields. This is fair and to me. Guess these "needy bunch" was saved by their poverty. Wealth in health I say. *wink* By being the "poorest" folks they are, they actually escape the risk of infection, paralysis and muscular atrophy. Whatever that means but I'm sure it's not something pretty. heee...
I told you it's not pretty. What da heck is goin oooon? Aw man. My jaw dropped when I saw this pic. Ah-emm, what have you done? Why have you allowed others to deform you in such a manner? Why?? Hahaha.. Dramama. I can be quite the drama queen I know. Chill Shah. To be fair to the old lady, she may not want the tradition to be practised on her in the 1st place. Maybe she was forced outta her will at a helpless age of 6. Poor thing lah. I dunno whether I can handle such torture. I do not want to be in her place. No no no.. But get this, some do bind their feet to entice and attract men. Super weakness! Weakadoddle lah! That's plain wrong.
Yaaaaahhhh.. Raaaaaaite! I'm so0o0oo turned on. NOT. :S
The four toes are wrapped and bind so that only the big toe is straight. Ouch! I think Ah-emm is trying to point to the exact "turn-on" point there. Haha! " Aaaaah here. It feels go0o0d here." Hahahahaha! Stop it Shah!
"Some scholars have claimed that the erotic effect was a function of the tiny steps and swaying walk of a woman whose feet had been bound. The very fact that the bound foot was concealed from men's eyes was, in and of itself, sexually suggestive." I am supposed to handicap myself just so men can enjoy the way I sway as I walk? Are you kidding me? Are you seriously kidding me? I'm so glad I wasn't born in the Qing Dynasty era. I would grow up a tomboy just to escape from bound feet and that I'm not kidding. Hahaha!! :P I would change my name from Ai Sah to some other macho chinese name. I cannot think of any now.. Pft. Whatever lah Shah.
This is such a random entry I cannot believe myself. heee.. I just got meself a cool handphone hours ago and here I am writing about bind feet. Apa dah.. I'm amazed that's all. The 1st time I saw bind feet in the flesh, shoe taken off. I appreciate the chance. Oo0o0o0 mcm gitu kah. Baru akak tau... hmmm... I'm easily fascinated lah so I guess that makes me easily excited thus making me the commentator that I am.
Shat. Up. Shah. heehee.. Comment too much also not good lah ah. So we're cutting down. Only comment on the neutral or the goodness. Yes yes.. :)
So bind feet aside, I must say our dear Ah-emm has quite a taste for shoes ah.
Kiut lil' red shoes. Wonder wonder if they have it in size 7 tho.. haha! ok I'm done. :P
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Heloo bro..I know i’m being so rabak sampai map pon jalan teros!!che ha ha..Anyway,I dun ask for anything la but if u were so kind enough or tak menyusahkan need u to buy something tapi kan cam segan lak..hehehe..I hav to meet u one day then tok2..3 of us..At least to know u well enuff..Whoa!!hahahaha..Not becoz nak ask u buy thing then ask to meet up..No..No..Noo..i already had in mind to meet up way long ago..fuyoo,mana punya long eh..tapi takpa..So yg atas tu kan cam saja letak je la..curiousity or emmmm…hahahaha..
Eh lupa lak..comments ke antar email eh..sorie Aish..Tapi pa pon kan…Awak tau la..3 words on the shoulder!!!Hey ho Haaaa…Heyyyyyyy!
Insya Allah we will meet in the near future. I will try to get the stuffs for you. God willing.
Take care of my sister ah.
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