Aug 25, 2007

My Girlfriend is a Painter Vol 1

As I was walking in at the main gate, I wonder why do we even bother to go home after work in the 1st place. Feels like I've been working on and on and on and the week just keeps goin' on and on and on with absolutely no end. I spend more time at work than at home and it's nauseating really. I think we all know the reason why. Let's break i' down.
Definition of "FUN":
amusing, enjoyable, entertaining, good, lively, merry, pleasant, cheering, comical, delightful.
Definition of "WORK", (particularly in helldesk)? The total opposite of every word listed above. :S pft!
So "wonder wonder" we get the heck outta here not a minute more than we're supposed to. No rocket science here ah. Sigh...

Oh yah, the new auditor/joker/jester/ pain in da ass person is not making things any easier either. I'm not affected. I'm just pissed. Straighten your hair 1st and then, maybe, I'll take you seriously. And improve on ur speech also. I'm snoozing just thinking about your tone of voice when you yak. *BIG yawnZzZzZzZZ..*
Audit THIS lah -> @#$#^%**%$#@!!!! hahahahahaaa!
(this is weeeeee fun!)

Dah Shah dah... hmmm.. Dun mind me. It's the girly time of month and I just have the strong urge to vent right now. heheheee..
The shift simply sux lah. Simply! I want ma weekdays off. I need ma weekdays off. DANG IT! Urgh!!!! :S <- grumpiest face ever.

Jester sux too.
( k guys. I realise I need to widen my diction here. "Sux" is overrated. Plus I find "sux" so "secondary school", so I shall hereby replace the aforementioned word with "turn off" from now onwards. hehehee..
For example: Theresa's a "turn off" laaah. ahahaha! So true. 2 points! :P )

.............................................................................. Done!

Ok. Vent's over. It's 6.30 now. Not too bad I guess. After this griping session, I plan to do some reading/browsing some magazines and lastly to jot down worthy notes/ info for Project K. hehee.. I like Project K. *blush blush*. Saw a watch yesterday in one of the local malay magz. NICENESS! Insya Allah wanna get that lah. One of those 'aaaaaaahhh!' moment. It has "aishah" written all over it. dats rite! *winkz*

Let's tackle 1st task at hand. The day started early for me. "Bertonyeh" till wee late at night/ very early in the morn. (Depends how u look at it I guess. hee...) Record breaking time! Saaaaayang ma mochi. But Shah needs to ssshhh herself more the next time lah . Kinda disturbed the others sleeping.... Sorry bah. Ni sumer bawang nyer pasal lah. Eh... :P ahahahaa! Kidding....!

Slept only after solah subuh. Woke up dgn panicknyer coz thot I was late. The sun was shining oh-so-brightly mind you. Heee... Dasyat! Well I did have ample time to cont cat my gates. I completed only 1 gate. I dun mind painting, in fact I prefer painting than say... sewing?, as long as the surface I'm supposed to work on are spacy, wide walls.. Not scrawny lil' metals of a gate. Dun have enough patience for it honestly. The sad lack of patience aside, I did manage to complete 1 gate but at the same, I also manage to paint myself white on every exposed skin! Yay! very matching. :S Think I wasted 5% of the pure white wall-colouring on myself, the floor.... and more on myself. hahaha! Oh yah, I gotta add this. The above is in the process w/o any thanks to ma dearest sibling of a brother. Nyakat nya jer lebih.. Tolong taknak! Dun care, nak taknak, 28th "seddle". Eh. :)

Insya Allah, everything will be proper. All will run smoothly. Everyone will be happy. Amin.

= Lebaran comes sooner this year =

Aug 24, 2007

Welcome "home-stel" bro!

To my dearest bro: I really dun think you'll be reading this but IF you're in here, get out. Dun even attempt to read another line. OK. Let's start.

Evil Bunny's baaack!!! yippee!!! All thanks be to Allah my bro's safely home. Thank YOU x3!
This is my uncensored emotions right here for having ma bro back.. I can't show this excitement in front of him coz that's just soooo not "US". Hahahaaa!! Bro and I have this strong "bond" yes, but we dun "mush". We never "mush". Or so I thought... Fetched him from the airprt, I was pleasantly surprised when bro hugged me. Ok everyone, altogether now; "aaaaaaawww!" :)

Yes he did. hehee.. "Pleasantly surprised" is an understatement really.
" W O W"! is more the to-the-point word here. Big noisy bro misses the bratty lil' sis too. I'm glad. I can be annoying most times but now I know that I annoy in a good way. hahaha!
Listening to him talking will full-on animatics about horseback riding (he rode on Dancer, cute name), his rides alone at Six Flag.... made me appreciate his presence more. :) So glad he's back.
Home-stel sweet home-stel. Well the honeymoon's over and the paint job's aaall yours. Completion date's on the 28th eh. Spick and span by the 28th. yes.. yes. :p

Evil Bunny's is really Evil Sotong in disguise as he missed his flight. A whole day late. Can u believe that? And to think he only realised at the counter, checkin' in. Dat's ma bro! So proud of him! haaha! It's excusable lah. I think he hates goodbyes too. hehehe.. 2 weeks is too darn short in ma opinion. I dun think I can "peel" myself away if I'm in his place. Erm, I think I can lah, (everybody has commitments right) BUT with a whoo0o00ole lot of merengek. Sheesh! Talking about merengek, ma mochi was there too. :D (wat a way to selit.hahaha! syabas shah!)

Mochi was there departing AND arriving. Woo hoo..! Actually he was there departing, arriving AND arriving again. hehehe.... Many2 thanks dear. Bro appreciates it too, I'm sure. There's a stark difference btwn then and now and I'm so glad. You know what i mean yar. *winkz*

insert photos here -->

that's ma bro's 'lady" hands. We're chomping on Popeye's. :D

ma 2 favourite guys! "B" for brotherly love. aaaaaw....! :)
Ok. Dat's enuf of bro's pictures. He just gave me the "warning" not to post up any of his face even though I assured him I've got 0 readers and absolutely no fans, unlike him. Du-uh! but warning's a warning so respect to EB. He's more Paranoid/painfully shy than Evil to me. Bro's not wat I consider a "looker" anyways so I shall abide this time.

Aaaaaaaahh.. this is more like it!
U're now viewing the beautiful ppl at the viewing mall. hahaha!

2's a company, 3's a crowd. I choose ma mochi's fun-lovin' company anyday!
Editor's note: The pictures posted were taken on departure day, approximately 2.5weeks ago. None were taken upon arrival. Oh well...

Aug 22, 2007

the past 5 hours of my life!


So it seems everything's quiet in here.... No events so no new updates rite.
No no no no no... Not that there's no events worth jotting down, there's aplenty, overwhelming most times, but yours truly here's just plain l - a - z - y. I badly need an energy boost. I feel OFF.

Time's now 9.14 in the PM at work. It's only 9.14. What the heck rite? Everyone knows the old but true adage "time waits for no man". It also acts as a popular advice for asking someone to buck up/hurry his ass up when the situation calls for it. But lately, I feel that time is playing me. It passes me by waaaaaay too quickly. Quicker than norm. But only, ONLY, when I'm having fun or with the company of fun-loving ppl. The moment I'm at work, the seconds practically crawl to a minute and the minutes adds up, in slow motion, to the hour. I know of another irritatingly popular saying that goes "time passes by faster when you're having fun" but come on, man. (whoever came up with dat saying in da 1st place should be shot in the toe. Like du-uh!)

it's 9.26pm. see what i mean?


Aug 11, 2007

Tukang Jahit Sin Hua

I just have to selit this entry in TODAY. A whole lot has happened these past few days. Too fast too furious action-packed moments since 050807. Imagine that. 6 days worth of posts. This memory is fast running outta space, so before granny here forgets precious moments, think it's best to jot it down. Today's the mother of all action-packed days. It's dat precious...

Jom ke JB! :D Jom aaah.

I guess today is a first for everyone, not just me. Followed pakcik, makcik and Misfil to JB today. Wow! Spent the entire day with Encik Ameerullah and family at JB. Double Wow! And to think Mochi wasn't even there!! Double triple x4 Wow! Dear andy gotta work so taklei la itot. But thanks for having MacD with us before our "flight". hehehe..
Satu jam pon jaaadi lah ek. Sigh.. Sayang tak amik gambar lak..
Tapi takpe. Aish tetap sayang awak. *winkz*
Insya Allah, next time we all can go. I'm so glad it turned out well.. Syukur Alhamdulillah. I had fun. I deserve a pat on ma back! Yessaaa! =)

Much info was gathered today. Ahem ahem. Hee..! Past histories (size 9?!)... habits... sisterly love.. feedback from family members (1 woman-man. keep it up. :)..bonding btwn sisters, gossips(yikes!) and THAT picture. OMG dat picture! hahahaa!! sshhhhhocking! Fil is so gonna get it. :D (nak tgk lagiiii..hahaha!)

Malaysia Boleh..........? Boleh tlg kemas tak?! sigh..

After the "Alice in Wonderland" terowong, we reached our destination. The reason for the JB trip. In front of the tailorshop was the Convention Centre. Dah siap!!

.... It was a dejavu moment for me coz I used to frequent the mama shop above all the time before. The convention ctr was just infront of it. That time baru rangka2 jer... How time passes us by....
I was surprised the tailorshop is in the same row as that mama shop. Never have I thought before that I'd go to that tailorshop today although I've passed it may times before. And to think I went this time with Andy's family. I feel so blessed.

...... .........
Kain dah dihantar, ukuran sudah diambil, tempahan sudah dibuat. Ma kasih banyak2 cik.....
I really dunno what to say. Never been in this situation before... Happyness!
Well, I'm kinda excited to see the outcome of the kebaya. hehee. Leks Shah. Baru je antar. pft!

Eventhough it was so the sesak at CitySquare (they were having an "apa saje" IT fair), we still managed to ronda2 a bit.

Window shopping Project K stuff. They have quite nice nice stuff there. I am seriously considering. Fil and I spotted "cukor rambot" pressie even. Cuteness but one at a time eh Fil. Hmmm... :) But it did feel janggal w/o my Mochi. I felt lost for a while. Missed him the most then... But pity the elders lah. Giddy and tired combined. So they timed-out while me and Fil sourced for books/novels. The thick2 ones. heeee..
As I wasn't allowed to change any ringgitz, I didn't buy meself anything. Makcik did insist for me to get something but no lah. Not comfortable lah.. Not nice. Appreciate very much the lunching and the groceries. Everything bought in pairs. How sweet is that? Insya Allah, there'll be a next time and lesson learnt to have my ringgitz ready. hehee..
<--The basket may be empty, but it's filled with lurve! hahaha... Total amount payable = priceless! -->

We headed home at 4pm. It's good to be back. It's good to be in the same country as my Mochi again. hehehee... Syukur Alhamdullilah.

I enjoyed myself but I just hoped I didn't act too selambe... I can be overly "over" most times. I learnt a lot about the family and I hope they learnt more of me too... and actually like what they see.. hmmm...

But before we head home....
....... for memories sake. Ist time for everyone!

So I'll see you when I see you again. Maybe this Wednesday pehaps? *winkz*

Aug 9, 2007

i have only happeee thoughts...

So many has happened, so many pictures to post.
Will do so in due time.

Stay tuned.... :D

*sleeping is a waste o' time*

Aug 4, 2007

Questions answered! Doubts cleared.

"Bersabarlah dalam meghadapi penyakit, Sesungguhnye penyakit itu penghapus dosa." hadith Qudsi.
Aunt Eleine passed mak some lozenges from a klink in M'sia the other day. Poliklinik Penawar, No 136 Jalan 1/18, Taman Bukit Kempas,Tampoi, JB. hahahha! Mak was under the weather a couple of days ago...Alhamdulillah, she's much better now. Phew! The words above were actually printed on the lozenges sachet. How cool is dat? Way cool! I was impressed by the klinik's decision to print those words coz we need reminders all the time to be patient human beings in whatever situation, esp in sickness. I felt guilty whining about this shoulder pain after reading it. Ssssshhh Shah. Other ppl have it worst than you... Anyways, M'sia's cool that way to me. Just before the azan airs on TV, they showed a hadith to say, I can't remember the exact words but the message was in the lines of:
"To miss a single solah is as though you lost your family and all the wealth that you have." A single solah. Imagine that. If you were feeling lazy and the iman's weak that moment, that very hadith was the "push" u needed to take wudhu' immediately. This is a stark contrast to our "multi-racial, Modern-day, circular" Singapore where you can't even say "Assalamualaikum" on TV, and I'm talking about the channel SURIA, the supposedly Malay/Muslim channel here. (Islamophobia at it's peak!) Even during Ramadhan, SURIA has arranged for "moral decay" events instead of showing ceramah/syarahan from the mosques. It's a pity really. Ramadhan comes only once in a year.... Sigh..
Personally, I can't wait for this coming Ramadhan, Insya Allah. My soul needs cleansing. Insya Allah, this year's ibadah will be better than the last and the future's will be better than now.

Andy and I were talking till quite late yesternite. It was quite a conversation and it got me thinking... Informative, mature, clean talk. Project K's in the works at the moment so I thought I'd do some adult research. I wanted to find out something specific but knowledge is a journey, not a destination. Getting to my search, I've learnt of new things along the way... I assume whoever comes to my page are adults, so lets' be open shall we... No taboo topics here but I'll be tactful all the same. =)

a) was just asking myself whether I can still wear my fav bermudas at home in the presence of future mahram relatives and today, Alhamdulillah, I got my answer. :) Anything below the knees are OK then. Cool. :D
"However, one should not look at what is usually covered such as the knees, the breasts, the armpits, etc. This means that the woman should be decently clothed while in the presence of her mahram relatives."

b) While the first inadvertent look causes no sin on him, the young man should be taught not to follow it by another, as the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said to Ali Ibn Abi Talib, "O Ali! Do not let the second look follow the first. The first look is allowed to you but not the second." (Tirmithi, Ahmad and Abu Dawud)

c) A man should always cover himself from the navel to the knees in the presence of others. The thigh of man is considered awrah. It is highly recommended to teach boys to cover themselves down to the knees at a young age (around seven) so that they grow up with this habit.
Does this mean guys' are permitted to wear bermudas in public then? I need to confirm this further...

d) The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "It is better for one of you to be pierced by an iron needle in the head than to touch the hand of a woman that is not allowed to him." (Tabarani)
This sin is considered a fornication of the hand, as the Prophet, SAW said, "The eyes fornicate, and the hands fornicate, and the feet fornicate, and the intimate parts fornicate." (Ahmad) Is there a person purer than Muhammad, SAW? And in spite of that he said, "I do not shake women's hands." (Ahmad)
It should also be known that wearing a glove or wrapping the hand with a cloth while shaking hands is not allowed either.

e) Good for any would-be parents to know this.
Children ten years and older should not share the same bed even if they are of the same sex, as the Prophet SAW advised, saying, "Enjoin your children to perform solah when they are seven, and spank them for it when they are ten, and let them sleep in separate beds." (al-Hakim and Abu Dawud)

f) The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "And in the sexual act (with your spouses) there is a charity (you will be rewarded for)." He was then asked, "A man satisfies his urge and gets reward for it?" He said, "Do you see if he satisfied it in an unlawful way, would he not get a punishment?" They said, "Yes." And then he said, "Similarly if he did it in a lawful way, he would be rewarded for it!" (Muslim)

g) It is a desirable Sunnah that the groom puts his hands on the bride's head and pray for her. The Prophet SAW taught us to say, "O Allah, I ask You her goodness, and the goodness of the inborn dispositions which You have given her, and I solicit Your protection from her evil, and the evil of the inborn dispositions which You have given her." (Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah) The groom can make this supplication aloud or silently.

h) It is also desirable that they make two raka'at of voluntary salah together. When your wife comes to you, ask her to make two raka'at with you and then say, 'O Allah, bless my wife for me, and bless me for her. O Allah, unite between us in good, and if You separate us, separate us in good." (Abu Shaybah)

i) IMPORTANTE: it is a sunnah to make the following supplication, "In the name of Allah. O Allah, keep Satan away from us, and keep Shaytan away from (the offspring) that which You grant us." (Bukhari)

These are just some of the info I find enlightening personally. Good on you if you already know the above listed. I didn't. Think I'd stop here before the list gets too long. The info above is posted at I shall not elaborate further but I've already gotten the answer to my specific query and needless to say, I can now re-affirm what I already know. I'd rather not say what it is coz I'm trying to be tactful here. heee...

= = Prophet Muhammad SAW said," Facilitate things to people (concerning religious matters) and do not make it hard for them and give them good tidings and do not make them run away (from Islam). = = Sahih Bukhari

Aug 3, 2007

ALONE.... but not quite.

I'm digging Manic Street Preachers all over again. Long time no hear and I'm soothed all over again by their tunes. .. Prrr...... :)

... is just awesome. It's a dreamy song really. Hmmmm....

Solitude sometimes is
The place that I would like to live

Solitude sometimes is

When nothing really seems to fit

If black were truly black not grey
, It might provide some depth to pray
To black out all the worlds of men
And demons too, but not even then
Solitude sometimes is

We need to click on the rewind button to a few days ago...

I'm smiling as I'm typing this... Desired after-effects of being in lurrrrve i guess. I dun feel like I'm in love as much as being enveloped in love. That's way deeper by any measurement. It's suffocating sometimes but the extremely good type of suffocation. hahaha...! merapek shah. dah.. dah..dah. :D Moments I treasure dearly... Only me , myself and mochI can truly understand and appreciate that Tuesday. Dunno bout him, but I enjoyed every bit of it. And that's what matters. hahaha! :p

Finally I've decided to just act selambe and just snap a picture of the delish drink already. It's a Tues and everyone's in the office's slaving away, but not US so it's not too bad lah. The drink's haunting really... Even though it brain-freezes you after each sip, you'd want to come back for more..mORE..MORE! hhehehe..Saper yg tak cukop iman, may become addicted to it I think. hahaha.. Plus, for you play-yers out there, the "chick" sellling the drinks is..... "friendly".
so hmmm.....

choc and milo ice-blend. u need to smell to tell the 2 drinks apart coz they taste exactly the same. Yummy yumz.

To think the drinks are more haunting than the show we caught at Marina: ALONE.
ok movie-critique aishah is now in da house. pft! From what I managed to gather, the show is a weak attempt to just shock the hell outta ya. The storyline's not eerie enuf for a horror/thriller movie but they use the terkejot-terkejot effect of suspense. So u dun get scared, you just get jolted. But I am impressed by the make-up of the hantus.. Standard. Reminded me of Evil Dead, where the ghost was in the cellar trying to get out but couldn't. So she kept on screaming "dead by dawn! dead by dawn!" just to taunt the victims. Poor things lah those victims. Dun wanna be them even if it's just a movie and wer're just acting. It's dat real...! So thumbs up to the make-up ppl of ALONE. But all in all, we enjoyed the movie. 4th movie for us now. Weekday movies are the best! But no more lah.. it's time for a jam-brake! In all seriousness... :1

I've gotta share this too. No school's like the old-skool.

Although we were at "modern" Marina, they still used this board with white paste-on letterings for the movie showtimes. Susah datang.. :)

and this...!!! --->
Let's go back to the future!! The bus we took to Q'way was really a time capsule in disguise. I was excited that I just had to snap a picture from the back for memories' sake. Look at those handle bars on the seats. The rings dangling at the top and the buzzer actually goes a loud irritating "deeeeet", not the supposedly-pleasant " we have at present day. You can actually slide up the windows too although it's supposed to be an air-con bus. I was half-expecting for a bus conductor to board the bus to give us bus stubs in red, green and purple. He'll then punch holes in the stubs and alight from the bus. That would be so awesome I tell ya! But dat didn't happen laaa . Ni lagik susah datang. hahaha! Twilight zonezzz....
(the lady in the pic is NOT me ait.) And yes, mochi bought yet another cap. niceness... :)

evidence that we actually wear shoes to work. hmmm..
I shall call this picture "too much time".... haha!

another evidence that sheens is supa swit. She stayed till 12 again.
and it's Friday night tonight, and switz is here with moi again. Switnesssss....! Another night, another Ah Qua ice-cream. thanks beb. really!