Tukang Jahit Sin Hua
I just have to selit this entry in TODAY. A whole lot has happened these past few days. Too fast too furious action-packed moments since 050807. Imagine that. 6 days worth of posts. This memory is fast running outta space, so before granny here forgets precious moments, think it's best to jot it down. Today's the mother of all action-packed days. It's dat precious...
Jom ke JB! :D Jom aaah. 
I guess today is a first for everyone, not just me. Followed pakcik, makcik and Misfil to JB today. Wow! Spent the entire day with Encik Ameerullah and family at JB. Double Wow! And to think Mochi wasn't even there!! Double triple x4 Wow! Dear andy gotta work so taklei la itot. But thanks for having MacD with us before our "flight". hehehe..
Satu jam pon jaaadi lah ek. Sigh.. Sayang tak amik gambar lak..
Tapi takpe. Aish tetap sayang awak. *winkz*
Insya Allah, next time we all can go. I'm so glad it turned out well.. Syukur Alhamdulillah. I had fun. I deserve a pat on ma back! Yessaaa! =)
Much info was gathered today. Ahem ahem. Hee..! Past histories (size 9?!)... habits... sisterly love.. feedback from family members (1 woman-man. keep it up. :)..bonding btwn sisters, gossips(yikes!) and THAT picture. OMG dat picture! hahahaa!! sshhhhhocking! Fil is so gonna get it. :D (nak tgk lagiiii..hahaha!)
Malaysia Boleh..........?
Boleh tlg kemas tak?! sigh..

After the "Alice in Wonderland" terowong, we reached our destination. The reason for the JB trip. In front of the tailorshop was the Convention Centre. Dah siap!!
It was a dejavu moment for me coz I used to frequent the mama shop above all the time before. The convention ctr was just infront of it. That time baru rangka2 jer... How time passes us by....
I was surprised the tailorshop is in the same row as that mama shop. Never have I thought before that I'd go to that tailorshop today although I've passed it may times before. And to think I went this time with Andy's family. I feel so blessed.
Kain dah dihantar, ukuran sudah diambil, tempahan sudah dibuat. Ma kasih banyak2 cik.....
I really dunno what to say. Never been in this situation before... Happyness!
Well, I'm kinda excited to see the outcome of the kebaya. hehee. Leks Shah. Baru je antar. pft!
Eventhough it was so the sesak at CitySquare (they were having an "apa saje" IT fair), we still managed to ronda2 a bit.
Window shopping Project K stuff. They have quite nice nice stuff there. I am seriously considering. Fil and I spotted "cukor rambot" pressie even. Cuteness but one at a time eh Fil. Hmmm... :) But it did feel janggal w/o my Mochi. I felt lost for a while. Missed him the most then... But pity the elders lah. Giddy and tired combined. So they timed-out while me and Fil sourced for books/novels. The thick2 ones. heeee..
I guess today is a first for everyone, not just me. Followed pakcik, makcik and Misfil to JB today. Wow! Spent the entire day with Encik Ameerullah and family at JB. Double Wow! And to think Mochi wasn't even there!! Double triple x4 Wow! Dear andy gotta work so taklei la itot. But thanks for having MacD with us before our "flight". hehehe..
Satu jam pon jaaadi lah ek. Sigh.. Sayang tak amik gambar lak..
Tapi takpe. Aish tetap sayang awak. *winkz*
Insya Allah, next time we all can go. I'm so glad it turned out well.. Syukur Alhamdulillah. I had fun. I deserve a pat on ma back! Yessaaa! =)
Much info was gathered today. Ahem ahem. Hee..! Past histories (size 9?!)... habits... sisterly love.. feedback from family members (1 woman-man. keep it up. :)..bonding btwn sisters, gossips(yikes!) and THAT picture. OMG dat picture! hahahaa!! sshhhhhocking! Fil is so gonna get it. :D (nak tgk lagiiii..hahaha!)
After the "Alice in Wonderland" terowong, we reached our destination. The reason for the JB trip. In front of the tailorshop was the Convention Centre. Dah siap!!
I was surprised the tailorshop is in the same row as that mama shop. Never have I thought before that I'd go to that tailorshop today although I've passed it may times before. And to think I went this time with Andy's family. I feel so blessed.
Kain dah dihantar, ukuran sudah diambil, tempahan sudah dibuat. Ma kasih banyak2 cik.....
I really dunno what to say. Never been in this situation before... Happyness!
Well, I'm kinda excited to see the outcome of the kebaya. hehee. Leks Shah. Baru je antar. pft!
Eventhough it was so the sesak at CitySquare (they were having an "apa saje" IT fair), we still managed to ronda2 a bit.
As I wasn't allowed to change any ringgitz, I didn't buy meself anything. Makcik did insist for me to get something but no lah. Not comfortable lah.. Not nice. Appreciate very much the lunching and the groceries. Everything bought in pairs. How sweet is that? Insya Allah, there'll be a next time and lesson learnt to have my ringgitz ready. hehee..
<--The basket may be empty, but it's filled with lurve! hahaha... Total amount payable = priceless! --> 
We headed home at 4pm. It's good to be back. It's good to be in the same country as my Mochi again. hehehee... Syukur Alhamdullilah.
I enjoyed myself but I just hoped I didn't act too selambe... I can be overly "over" most times. I learnt a lot about the family and I hope they learnt more of me too... and actually like what they see.. hmmm...
But before we head home....
for memories sake. Ist time for everyone!
So I'll see you when I see you again. Maybe this Wednesday pehaps? *winkz*
We headed home at 4pm. It's good to be back. It's good to be in the same country as my Mochi again. hehehee... Syukur Alhamdullilah.
I enjoyed myself but I just hoped I didn't act too selambe... I can be overly "over" most times. I learnt a lot about the family and I hope they learnt more of me too... and actually like what they see.. hmmm...
But before we head home....
So I'll see you when I see you again. Maybe this Wednesday pehaps? *winkz*
Da tukar to overall..Still relaxing dlm loker..Sorang2..D rest of td bronx weren't here yet..So i read n felt so blessed by Allah Taala..Alhamdulillah..D first n many more to come eh...eh..Tens Aish..Tens for everything..Everything!!I miss ma Aish so much!!
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