breathe in... breathe out....
It's been a beeeeautiful 4 months. Yeah, dat's right.. 4 months. 4 months only? hmmmmm... Whirlwind of events in such a short span of time, it's kinda ridiculous to me. Although we have not been together for half a year even, I feel like I know you all my life. How is that possible? I am overwhelmed by everything. I am overwhelmed by you. 4 months and counting. Insya Allah many many more beautiful days, months, years ahead for us both. Insya Allah. Just gotta a msg from "bapak nyer" as I'm typing this. Aaaaaaaww... Saya sayang awak jgak. I'm tearing up... simply happy happy joy joy tears. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
Met the Ameerullah Family before coming to work today... The family's complete this time coz lil' sis' still on leave. Been wanting to meet up with his mum since they came back from KL just to say hello, how are you, that kinda thing. Guess I kinda miss his mum sometimes. I cannot explain why but I just do. My dearest mak plak masak nasi minyak and ayam masak merah. Didn't the cooking this time ard. Tolong2 jer..Mak was super fast so I catch no ball lah. Can't blame her, she's a pro. Better luck next time Shah. Anyways the timing was just perfect. Tak lah dtg tangan kosong ek. To sum things up, "I'm lovin' it!" Every single bit of it. But the part where ayang kluarkan tilam tu made me seram jap. Takot tertido jer...hehehe.. Sayang awak lah. Miss awak lah. Fed up ngan awak lah. Seriously. Sigh sigh sigh...
Ahem. So where was I? Oh ya. *lost jap* Without planning or even realising, we kinda "commemorate" our 4 month thingy by me coming over to meet his family. Way waaaay cool! I wouldn't change a thing even if given the choice. No, scrap that. I would change the fact that Andy and I don't have to work today so we can go elsewhere after the meet-up. Now that would be bliss but work is work and we gotta do what we gotta do.. pft.
I've been absolutely busy these past few days... Busy doing nothing. I feel work is taking up too much of my time. To some, this may be a just lazy-ass statement but really, I feel it's monopolising a big chunk of my time. Precious time where I could be doing something more relevant to my current situation. So many things to do, to learn, to catch up on.... to spend time with my Mochi. ahahahaha! (tak habis2!) From the looks of the Aug's schedule, things will only get worst. The schedule's like a joke which is NOT funny. Nobody's getting the punnchline except for Fanny I think. Nvm that. Monday can talk. Whatever it is, I know that kerja tu satu ibadah and we just have to bite the bullet sometimes and be responsible adults that we are. Well anyways, come tomorrow, I think the Word of the week shall be: "Funny Fanny" or "Fanny's Funny" or "Freakin' Fanny" or "Fanny The Freakazoid". pft! I'm not a fan of Fanny as you can tell. :p hahahaa!!
I've got some reading and sourcing out to do but I'm finding it hard to concentrate and I think I know why. This pain-in-the-neck-and-shoulder of mine has a lot to do with it. I need a massage badly. I've been enduring all this time but I know I'll need to go soon. It's getting unbearably painful and I miss not being in pain. Feels like such a loo0o0ooo0ong time this shoulder has been acting up. ............................................. :(
Pain or no pain, all is well, coz "adore andy" is back from KL safely. I'm smiling.
Met the Ameerullah Family before coming to work today... The family's complete this time coz lil' sis' still on leave. Been wanting to meet up with his mum since they came back from KL just to say hello, how are you, that kinda thing. Guess I kinda miss his mum sometimes. I cannot explain why but I just do. My dearest mak plak masak nasi minyak and ayam masak merah. Didn't the cooking this time ard. Tolong2 jer..Mak was super fast so I catch no ball lah. Can't blame her, she's a pro. Better luck next time Shah. Anyways the timing was just perfect. Tak lah dtg tangan kosong ek. To sum things up, "I'm lovin' it!" Every single bit of it. But the part where ayang kluarkan tilam tu made me seram jap. Takot tertido jer...hehehe.. Sayang awak lah. Miss awak lah. Fed up ngan awak lah. Seriously. Sigh sigh sigh...
Ahem. So where was I? Oh ya. *lost jap* Without planning or even realising, we kinda "commemorate" our 4 month thingy by me coming over to meet his family. Way waaaay cool! I wouldn't change a thing even if given the choice. No, scrap that. I would change the fact that Andy and I don't have to work today so we can go elsewhere after the meet-up. Now that would be bliss but work is work and we gotta do what we gotta do.. pft.
I've been absolutely busy these past few days... Busy doing nothing. I feel work is taking up too much of my time. To some, this may be a just lazy-ass statement but really, I feel it's monopolising a big chunk of my time. Precious time where I could be doing something more relevant to my current situation. So many things to do, to learn, to catch up on.... to spend time with my Mochi. ahahahaha! (tak habis2!) From the looks of the Aug's schedule, things will only get worst. The schedule's like a joke which is NOT funny. Nobody's getting the punnchline except for Fanny I think. Nvm that. Monday can talk. Whatever it is, I know that kerja tu satu ibadah and we just have to bite the bullet sometimes and be responsible adults that we are. Well anyways, come tomorrow, I think the Word of the week shall be: "Funny Fanny" or "Fanny's Funny" or "Freakin' Fanny" or "Fanny The Freakazoid". pft! I'm not a fan of Fanny as you can tell. :p hahahaa!!
I've got some reading and sourcing out to do but I'm finding it hard to concentrate and I think I know why. This pain-in-the-neck-and-shoulder of mine has a lot to do with it. I need a massage badly. I've been enduring all this time but I know I'll need to go soon. It's getting unbearably painful and I miss not being in pain. Feels like such a loo0o0ooo0ong time this shoulder has been acting up. ............................................. :(
Pain or no pain, all is well, coz "adore andy" is back from KL safely. I'm smiling.

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