== Qaisarah Hani Azra ==

I have been wasting time since 3pm. One of those "garfield" days I guess. (half-opened eyes) Came to work early, dunno why, and have not been productive since. Uploaded pics to PC, chatted with anyday-now-soon-to-be mummy Shem about MotherCare stuff (when's my turn eh? hmmm...I want one toO0O0O...... ) , beloved mak called to ask whether I have eaten lunch... I have eaten lunch btw, and 4 cookies, half a bottle of limejuice, 4 kurmas, andI still have 3 grapefruits in the bag for comsumption in the later part of the pm. I can feel myself e-x-p-a-n-d-i-n-g as I'm typing this. I dun feel so guilty tho coz the Ripe Limejuice is so very the massssam. Woooo..I lllike it! Sure to kecot the perot AND peha in no time. Hahahaa! Try harder Shah. Whatever helps eh. Oh well, yesterday "makan makan ah makan" closing ceremony was Purrrfect. :) Move over Starbucks-daylight robberry-overpriced- frapps. Chocolate Ice-blend at Beach Road is the new IN drink. Cheep cheep some more. (insert "feed the chicken" action here. hahaha!) Power gedegak! Aahmak! Really wanted to take a picture of that In-Dul-Gence in-a-cup but paiseh ah. Got ppl you know... There's also a VERY confused family seating by the side eating satay and ...... ah nvr mind that. Positively bad vibes! K k. I shall now use the power of language to decribe said drink/In-Dul-Gence with utmost accuracy. I can only try. This kinda thing, the cliche slogan "u gotta try it to believe it" is true la. hmm.. Chocolate ice blend in a long plastic cup. Chocolate syrup at the sides of long plastic cup creating a delish pattern. Nice. Wait, it gets fatter, er I mean better. =) Not a fan of whip cream before but now I just love that white creamy stuff. K, add whip cream, generous choco sauce all over whip cream AND THEN sprinkle some choc freckles. Too much laaaa!!! Dat's like 3kg in a cup! Might as well change the name of the drinks based on the weight gain it provides to potential customers. "Xcuse me, can I order 1 3kg and 1 5kg. Tnx hor!" (5 kg means an extra whip of the cream. haha!) Apa shah?!... Written like a true, blue fat kid in the making huh?! :S Warning: drink causes brain freeze effect after EACH sip. I'm serious! Tried and tested. Each sip. Power ah! Oh ya, I'm jumpstarting on the cooking lessson now. Tried to cook daging kimah yesterday. It was surprisingly simple! Turned out to be quite a finger-lickin' dish really. Yes.. Yes.. Syabas Shah! Just that the curry powder needs to change lah. Takde kick ah. Plan to cook the dish again this Tues before work. I plan to fly solo this time. See how that turns out. If everything's A OK and I do no substantial damage to mak's dapur, then one dish down, many more to learn. Insya Allah. Makan laaagik. :S To my dearest Senor, thanks for meeting up with me... I really, positively, genuinely hate goodbyes. Pft!! Fed-up!
> Why I do the things I do and say the things say?..... Just put down the fon with mak. Kena leter jap. Sigh.. Takmu risau lah mak. Everything's under control... I think. Inilah sandiwara duniya. Insya Allah takde pe2 lah. Asalkan pakai hati dan minda eh? eeeehh. :) <

Top of the line babywear for Shem's lil' princess. She's in fashion... :) Syukur Alhamdulillah! Insya Allah, sumer2 doakan tuk Shem and baby eh. May the delivery be safe for both mother and child. Amin Ya Rabbal Al amin.

Luuurrve DAT belly! I may be wearing purple but I'm every shades of GREEN inside. So Xcited!
I was so glad that I got the chance to hang out with mak yong while dia ngah sarat. Chilling out with mar post-delivery turned out to be name-the-baby session. How cool is that?! Soon we were flipping pages from Islamic baby books and choosing. Fun fun fun! I get to be involved in naming mar's princess!! I'm SO honoured you cannot possibly imagine. This is one heavy-duty responsibility. Flipping through, I find out my name means "live happily, happiness". My mum's has similar meaning too. Hee.. happy happy people. Kecoh, selambe, sembarang but happy. I like that. I finally chose Hani Azra. Hani = senang. Azra = bersih, suci. Ramdzan lak nak selit Qaisarah which means princess. Understandable lah. Sik Ramdzan tu pon. So baby's name is Qaisarah Hani Azra. Long rite? Longer name: Qaisarah Hani Azra Bte Mohd Ramdzan. Wow! Penatlah budak tu.. hee... K nvm that. Insya Allah baby will grow up to be as beautiful as her name. Masya Allah! Amin. Aishah Auntie aka Ashanti choose tau. Hmph! hee.. =)
I shall post the baby scans when I do have them and that might be soon. Now that is amazing but freaky to me at the same time. I'll post it up soon and you'll then know what I mean. =)
last updated @ 11/07/07, 2221hrs:
The gift of LIFE. .. Subhanallah.
Front and side view of baby Hani.. You can actually see her face yar. Masya Allah!!!
God is The Greatest!
Shem has officially delivered baby-G Hani Azra safely on 25 Jamadilakhir 1428H (Islamic cal) or 10072007 (Gregorian cal), 0728hrs. Syukur Alhamdulillah! Both are safe and in good health. Baby is 3.2kg! Sihat walafiat. =) Can't wait to see her. Can't wait to see MY Hani Azra!
My dear fren is now a mummy!!! Surreal. We're growing up so0o0o0o fast.. heee...
Everybody's changing and I dun feel the same....
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