= Northpoint -> Eastpoint <- Whitesand =
Got a call from mak to say that abah will be discharged from hospital today. Syukur Alhamdulilah. I was freakin' out a bit actually. After 3 days of being warded, his blood platelets were still declining. Not good news at all. This is my dad I'm talking about. My King Kong Bandy, my weightlifter fanatic, my active, healthy abah. Sure he has his share of common everyday ailments but he does not get hospitalised, let alone for more than 3 days. I just don't see it. Even had to tell him to "please act like a patient" coz he was being his normal funny chill-out dad when he got admitted.. I love my abah. Thanks be to Allah for he can come home to his family today. Phew! My parents are getting old and I have to accept this. I dun like it but everyone have to go through this circle of life. To return to Our Maker is inevitable for everyone but I pray for Allah to grant them a long guided life, health and peace of mind and heart. Amin.

See what I mean? Even with the hospital tag, my favourite wrestler here still wants to flex. Du-uh! =)
Ni kat holiday ke hospital? :) My dad's THE coolest! R&R ->
No matter how sui-sui you think u've planned your day, you cannot possibly confirm those plans. That's why we say "if God willing..." coz it's really God's will to confirm or change that plan of yours. And every time, the event unfolds is better than what you have initially thought of. Cool huh. *wink*
Scrap Transformers. Time spent in the hospital transformed itself into a getting-to-know-you session. I like that very much. yes yes. Abah got comfortable. Too comfortable I think. "No no no! Oops!" hahaha.. Kesian Cik Andy kiter sampai pening2 coz 1) lom makan. 2) ada jemputan aleh-aleh at the waiting area. Dun think we're in the guest list so we ciao lah. heee... From what I saw, bro got too comfortable too. Wow! Really "friendly" talk. hmmm... Insya Allah, we'll have lunch together-gether soon. Makan laaagik! :S oh yah, I'm officially 57kg! 50 freakin' 7 kg! eh relek aaah. That's like 4kg more very the suddenly. Urgh! Paid 20cents to have my weight checked at 1.15am after having supper with bro. Had prata btw. :S
The stub reads : You are well-balanced and reasonable and not easily swayed by passing fancies.
Whatever that means lah ah.. Urgh urgh urgh! Think it's time to take charge again. After the pizza treat, we're back in business. :) K k k. Enuf shah. Talk is cheap. Do a Nike. :)
Lenghty discussion to have the MTP-P session planned in August. But the session was brought forward to a much earlier date. In June. 290607 to be exact. On dear cik's birthday and also "it's been 3 months" Even lil' sis Filda was there... Too special.
1st picture taken with MisFil. Sweetness!
Had an impromptu birthday dinner at East Point. 2nd makan out, same place but different level, different restaurant. Haha... But dinner was delish. And I was hungry after work so Syukur Alhamdulillah. Ma kasih banyak2 cik. Moga Allah berikan yang terbaik buat Cik sekeluarga. Amin. I just remembered. It was drizzling that day. The same kindda weather for our Hans River lunching. Rahmat Allah.... :)
Luv the seating arrangement. hee hee...
Time to rest now. This shoulder's acting up again. But before I end this, awak...you being there for all of the 3 days has been noted and appreciated by the Sabani family. heheee.. To think you even came to visit alone while I'm at work speaks volume. 13 minutes? hee.. Thanks eh yang. Just have to state that here lah. Sayang awak. So much. :)

See what I mean? Even with the hospital tag, my favourite wrestler here still wants to flex. Du-uh! =)
Ni kat holiday ke hospital? :) My dad's THE coolest! R&R ->

No matter how sui-sui you think u've planned your day, you cannot possibly confirm those plans. That's why we say "if God willing..." coz it's really God's will to confirm or change that plan of yours. And every time, the event unfolds is better than what you have initially thought of. Cool huh. *wink*
Scrap Transformers. Time spent in the hospital transformed itself into a getting-to-know-you session. I like that very much. yes yes. Abah got comfortable. Too comfortable I think. "No no no! Oops!" hahaha.. Kesian Cik Andy kiter sampai pening2 coz 1) lom makan. 2) ada jemputan aleh-aleh at the waiting area. Dun think we're in the guest list so we ciao lah. heee... From what I saw, bro got too comfortable too. Wow! Really "friendly" talk. hmmm... Insya Allah, we'll have lunch together-gether soon. Makan laaagik! :S oh yah, I'm officially 57kg! 50 freakin' 7 kg! eh relek aaah. That's like 4kg more very the suddenly. Urgh! Paid 20cents to have my weight checked at 1.15am after having supper with bro. Had prata btw. :S
The stub reads : You are well-balanced and reasonable and not easily swayed by passing fancies.
Whatever that means lah ah.. Urgh urgh urgh! Think it's time to take charge again. After the pizza treat, we're back in business. :) K k k. Enuf shah. Talk is cheap. Do a Nike. :)
Lenghty discussion to have the MTP-P session planned in August. But the session was brought forward to a much earlier date. In June. 290607 to be exact. On dear cik's birthday and also "it's been 3 months" Even lil' sis Filda was there... Too special.
1st picture taken with MisFil. Sweetness!

Had an impromptu birthday dinner at East Point. 2nd makan out, same place but different level, different restaurant. Haha... But dinner was delish. And I was hungry after work so Syukur Alhamdulillah. Ma kasih banyak2 cik. Moga Allah berikan yang terbaik buat Cik sekeluarga. Amin. I just remembered. It was drizzling that day. The same kindda weather for our Hans River lunching. Rahmat Allah.... :)

Time to rest now. This shoulder's acting up again. But before I end this, awak...you being there for all of the 3 days has been noted and appreciated by the Sabani family. heheee.. To think you even came to visit alone while I'm at work speaks volume. 13 minutes? hee.. Thanks eh yang. Just have to state that here lah. Sayang awak. So much. :)
WOW!!!U had covered d whole thing!Wat should i write huh?isk..nvr mind..maybe my off day can write..hahahah..Anyway,thanks for everything..Thanks for accepting me as ME!hehehehe..Lov lov u too
My name is Sam
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