Baby Photos
it's 2358hrs. I can safely say "all's well that ends well". It's been a quite night and i simply lurve it. Kalau lah ari2 mcm gini kan best! I'd volunteer for permanent night for sure but we can't always get what we want so...... tough Shah! Enjoy the moment je lah eh. It's so happeningly quiet that I dun feel like going home yet. A lil' time to myself.. Think my mochi is asleep. Do not disturb. Ssssssshhhah... :)
I've received a lil' pick-me-upper today by MMS. (MMS activation done, finally.)
She's such a doll ain't she?!! Lil' Baby-G Hani Azra.
Lek jer....
I so wanna hold her. Insya Allah this Sunday lah.. I still cannot believe Mashem has a kid! hahaha! Only I know what i mean. :P
Such a precious lil' thing.... 1 day old!
I've received a lil' pick-me-upper today by MMS. (MMS activation done, finally.)

Lek jer....
I so wanna hold her. Insya Allah this Sunday lah.. I still cannot believe Mashem has a kid! hahaha! Only I know what i mean. :P

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