7 days ago.. at EXPO
Wokie dokie..
I started this entry with a complaint actually.. About work lah what else but decided to just delete the whole para. Very the negative. Work is work. Buggers are buggers. Irritating ppl are just. plain. irritating. ppl. Nothing you can do about it ah. Gggrrr! Man aw man..
So many days have passed in btwn happenings. For instance, I'd like to write abt the EXPO trip.... tapikan mcm dah basi gitu. That was exactly 7 days ago. Not such a long time I suppose but happenings keep unfolding, memories keep piling up. I am happily busy. What with the amount of wasted time invested at work.. Totally unncessary. hahaaha! k k k.. I'm irritable lah. Tolerance level a bit on the low-side yea. No blardy mood. :S

Even Auntie Eleine and Jie-Jie followed to Expo. I loved it. Whenever Auntie Eleine suggested or gave her opinion to me for "Project K"(in fluent malay language some more), ppl around keep giving us this odd look. Hahaha! I can so read their minds..."how in the world are these 2 related? Wonder wonder..." Aaaah...! keep wondering lah. Cannot be bothered. I like the multiracialness btwn our 2 families. I like Aunt Eleine . Sometimes, I think she is more an auntie to me than my real aunts.. hmmmm.... We had a great time that day. I mean the WHOLE day. From 2 to night. This is an achievement for me.. I'll elaborate later.
My motive to go Expo on a Saturday (was i delusional? no.) is what I call "Project K". That's my only intention. I met Jumi there too. heee... Semangat! Member sampai kul 11 and left at 5 I think! How she did it, I dunno. I surrendered by 3+. Tak blei angkat lah! I was near faintin'.
Abah has other plans I realised. He wants to eat durians.

Nevermind the supposedly "Penang Best Durian"... I've got 2 "cheeku" on my face!
Tembam nyerrrr.... :0
A LOOOOT of ppl also have the cravings for durians that day! PFT. The reason I surrendered. I call this "Obvious chaos." Ssssod!
To those who only know how to eat a durian and dun have a clue on how to choose a flavourful durian, I've added here a step-by-step guide on "HOW TO GET THE RIGHT DURIAN THE NEXT TIME YOU WANNA EAT A DURIAN". Something like a corporate brochure on ACRA's website but diff is, this is way more fUN! Plus the model featured here is mum dearest. heheee..
Step 1)
While many other potential customers wait patiently in front of the shop, you GO IN the shop by the side entrance. This is so you can get the sellers full attention and of course his kind assistance. Quickly create small talk.
step 2)
Proceed to just point out the durians u wish to purchase. ANY durians coz you dun have a clue how to choose remember? *winkz* Important thing here is to ACT like u know what ur doing. =) And my mum is one good actress I tell ya. She owns the 'stage'. Take note the other makcik wants to parrot what my mum is doing but fails miserably. No one's paying attention. U gotta own the 'stage' cik. hmmm..... :p sorry cik! hahaha.. pft!
step 3)
Ask questions like "how is biz today?" Even though u know the sellerman is gonna answer with "bu$ine$$ i$ blardy booming today!! Oh yeah!!" coz of the crowd pictured above, ask anyway. It will put him in a better mood than he already i$. U'll be hi$ favourite customer. Anyways, humour runs deep in the Sabani family. So naturally, mak made a funny comment. (See picture) It worked like a charm! Need not be "Wahahaahaha!!" hilarious. Just enough to crack a smile on the sellers' face. This is to distract them from the fact there are other buyers at the shop's front waiting to be assisted and they are starting to get annoyed. Note both sellers are now assisting my mum. The power of humour. hahahaa!!
Last and final Step 4)
Wah-la-la-la-la-laaaa! Once the "right", creamy, delish durians have been selected by the professional durian sellers for you, quickly snap a photo so you can take credit for all the hardwork. haha!! Triumphant moment. Way to go mak!! :D
And the "Relek Award" goes to..... hahaha! Picture of pride.
Lepas borong durians, we headed to attack my fav fruit! mmmmmmmangga! We then bought mangosteens (my dear's fav.. hee. sempat selit shah.), longans and cempedak! shiok! But the cempedak was kind of a rip-off coz it was half riped which kinda pissed my mum off. I believe if she knows how to drive, she would have returned to EXPO the next day to pass some justice to the cempedak seller. heeehee...
Lunch at Haig rd's boring. Nothing special.
I wouldn't even mention it here if not for the durian dessert we had after that lunch! Kaaauu! Opp haig road, they have Fruit Fiesta Geylang style. Pon power jgak. But then, tak sabar2... We still have fruits in the car ...! Why oh why? hahahaa!! We dunno why we do things we do sometimes.. Too many fruits turning us into fruit cakes. ahaha!! I love my family. I love my extended family.
Cool bunch!
I think mak wants to take candid shot la. Eeer..
After the day ends, mum said something which was a moment of realisation for me. It's kinda sad really. I spent an entire day with the family. That has never happened before for a very long time. It was always family-time for the first few hours then off I'd go to other places which is of no significance now. Wat a waste. It made more of an impact when Auntie Eleine agreed and said" ya. bleh nampak". Even a stranger knew how I treated my family before... How can I be that oblivious? Stooopid. Insya Allah no more of Evil Aishah. At least not to my family lah. =) I gotta end this here. My arms hurts and this entry is too long for my liking. hmmm....
I miss my mochi. It's 11.30pm now. I can't wait for tmr. I just miss my mochi so much. Sorry guys. If you feel nauseated by the statement above, tough.
Is it tmr yet?

May peace be upon all of us..
I started this entry with a complaint actually.. About work lah what else but decided to just delete the whole para. Very the negative. Work is work. Buggers are buggers. Irritating ppl are just. plain. irritating. ppl. Nothing you can do about it ah. Gggrrr! Man aw man..
So many days have passed in btwn happenings. For instance, I'd like to write abt the EXPO trip.... tapikan mcm dah basi gitu. That was exactly 7 days ago. Not such a long time I suppose but happenings keep unfolding, memories keep piling up. I am happily busy. What with the amount of wasted time invested at work.. Totally unncessary. hahaaha! k k k.. I'm irritable lah. Tolerance level a bit on the low-side yea. No blardy mood. :S
Even Auntie Eleine and Jie-Jie followed to Expo. I loved it. Whenever Auntie Eleine suggested or gave her opinion to me for "Project K"(in fluent malay language some more), ppl around keep giving us this odd look. Hahaha! I can so read their minds..."how in the world are these 2 related? Wonder wonder..." Aaaah...! keep wondering lah. Cannot be bothered. I like the multiracialness btwn our 2 families. I like Aunt Eleine . Sometimes, I think she is more an auntie to me than my real aunts.. hmmmm.... We had a great time that day. I mean the WHOLE day. From 2 to night. This is an achievement for me.. I'll elaborate later.
My motive to go Expo on a Saturday (was i delusional? no.) is what I call "Project K". That's my only intention. I met Jumi there too. heee... Semangat! Member sampai kul 11 and left at 5 I think! How she did it, I dunno. I surrendered by 3+. Tak blei angkat lah! I was near faintin'.
Abah has other plans I realised. He wants to eat durians.
Nevermind the supposedly "Penang Best Durian"... I've got 2 "cheeku" on my face!
Tembam nyerrrr.... :0
To those who only know how to eat a durian and dun have a clue on how to choose a flavourful durian, I've added here a step-by-step guide on "HOW TO GET THE RIGHT DURIAN THE NEXT TIME YOU WANNA EAT A DURIAN". Something like a corporate brochure on ACRA's website but diff is, this is way more fUN! Plus the model featured here is mum dearest. heheee..
Step 1)
While many other potential customers wait patiently in front of the shop, you GO IN the shop by the side entrance. This is so you can get the sellers full attention and of course his kind assistance. Quickly create small talk.
step 2)
Proceed to just point out the durians u wish to purchase. ANY durians coz you dun have a clue how to choose remember? *winkz* Important thing here is to ACT like u know what ur doing. =) And my mum is one good actress I tell ya. She owns the 'stage'. Take note the other makcik wants to parrot what my mum is doing but fails miserably. No one's paying attention. U gotta own the 'stage' cik. hmmm..... :p sorry cik! hahaha.. pft!
step 3)
Ask questions like "how is biz today?" Even though u know the sellerman is gonna answer with "bu$ine$$ i$ blardy booming today!! Oh yeah!!" coz of the crowd pictured above, ask anyway. It will put him in a better mood than he already i$. U'll be hi$ favourite customer. Anyways, humour runs deep in the Sabani family. So naturally, mak made a funny comment. (See picture) It worked like a charm! Need not be "Wahahaahaha!!" hilarious. Just enough to crack a smile on the sellers' face. This is to distract them from the fact there are other buyers at the shop's front waiting to be assisted and they are starting to get annoyed. Note both sellers are now assisting my mum. The power of humour. hahahaa!!
Last and final Step 4)
Wah-la-la-la-la-laaaa! Once the "right", creamy, delish durians have been selected by the professional durian sellers for you, quickly snap a photo so you can take credit for all the hardwork. haha!! Triumphant moment. Way to go mak!! :D
Lunch at Haig rd's boring. Nothing special.
I wouldn't even mention it here if not for the durian dessert we had after that lunch! Kaaauu! Opp haig road, they have Fruit Fiesta Geylang style. Pon power jgak. But then, tak sabar2... We still have fruits in the car ...! Why oh why? hahahaa!! We dunno why we do things we do sometimes.. Too many fruits turning us into fruit cakes. ahaha!! I love my family. I love my extended family.
Cool bunch!
I think mak wants to take candid shot la. Eeer..
After the day ends, mum said something which was a moment of realisation for me. It's kinda sad really. I spent an entire day with the family. That has never happened before for a very long time. It was always family-time for the first few hours then off I'd go to other places which is of no significance now. Wat a waste. It made more of an impact when Auntie Eleine agreed and said" ya. bleh nampak". Even a stranger knew how I treated my family before... How can I be that oblivious? Stooopid. Insya Allah no more of Evil Aishah. At least not to my family lah. =) I gotta end this here. My arms hurts and this entry is too long for my liking. hmmm....
I miss my mochi. It's 11.30pm now. I can't wait for tmr. I just miss my mochi so much. Sorry guys. If you feel nauseated by the statement above, tough.
Is it tmr yet?

May peace be upon all of us..
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