ALONE.... but not quite.
I'm digging Manic Street Preachers all over again. Long time no hear and I'm soothed all over again by their tunes. .. Prrr...... :)
... is just awesome. It's a dreamy song really. Hmmmm....
Solitude sometimes is
The place that I would like to live
Solitude sometimes is
When nothing really seems to fit
If black were truly black not grey , It might provide some depth to pray
To black out all the worlds of men And demons too, but not even then
Solitude sometimes is
We need to click on the rewind button to a few days ago........
I'm smiling as I'm typing this... Desired after-effects of being in lurrrrve i guess. I dun feel like I'm in love as much as being enveloped in love. That's way deeper by any measurement. It's suffocating sometimes but the extremely good type of suffocation. hahaha...! merapek shah. dah.. dah..dah. :D Moments I treasure dearly... Only me , myself and mochI can truly understand and appreciate that Tuesday. Dunno bout him, but I enjoyed every bit of it. And that's what matters. hahaha! :p
Finally I've decided to just act selambe and just snap a picture of the delish drink already. It's a Tues and everyone's in the office's slaving away, but not US so it's not too bad lah. The drink's haunting really... Even though it brain-freezes you after each sip, you'd want to come back for more..mORE..MORE! hhehehe..Saper yg tak cukop iman, may become addicted to it I think. hahaha.. Plus, for you play-yers out there, the "chick" sellling the drinks is..... "friendly".
so hmmm.....

choc and milo ice-blend. u need to smell to tell the 2 drinks apart coz they taste exactly the same. Yummy yumz.
To think the drinks are more haunting than the show we caught at Marina: ALONE.
ok movie-critique aishah is now in da house. pft! From what I managed to gather, the show is a weak attempt to just shock the hell outta ya. The storyline's not eerie enuf for a horror/thriller movie but they use the terkejot-terkejot effect of suspense. So u dun get scared, you just get jolted. But I am impressed by the make-up of the hantus.. Standard. Reminded me of Evil Dead, where the ghost was in the cellar trying to get out but couldn't. So she kept on screaming "dead by dawn! dead by dawn!" just to taunt the victims. Poor things lah those victims. Dun wanna be them even if it's just a movie and wer're just acting. It's dat real...! So thumbs up to the make-up ppl of ALONE. But all in all, we enjoyed the movie. 4th movie for us now. Weekday movies are the best! But no more lah.. it's time for a jam-brake! In all seriousness... :1
I've gotta share this too. No school's like the old-skool.
Although we were at "modern" Marina, they still used this board with white paste-on letterings for the movie showtimes. Susah datang.. :)
and this...!!! --->
Let's go back to the future!! The bus we took to Q'way was really a time capsule in disguise. I was excited that I just had to snap a picture from the back for memories' sake. Look at those handle bars on the seats. The rings dangling at the top and the buzzer actually goes a loud irritating "deeeeet", not the supposedly-pleasant " we have at present day. You can actually slide up the windows too although it's supposed to be an air-con bus. I was half-expecting for a bus conductor to board the bus to give us bus stubs in red, green and purple. He'll then punch holes in the stubs and alight from the bus. That would be so awesome I tell ya! But dat didn't happen laaa . Ni lagik susah datang. hahaha! Twilight zonezzz....
(the lady in the pic is NOT me ait.) And yes, mochi bought yet another cap. niceness... :)
evidence that we actually wear shoes to work. hmmm..
I shall call this picture "too much time".... haha!

another evidence that sheens is supa swit. She stayed till 12 again.
and it's Friday night tonight, and switz is here with moi again. Switnesssss....! Another night, another Ah Qua ice-cream. thanks beb. really!
... is just awesome. It's a dreamy song really. Hmmmm....
Solitude sometimes is
The place that I would like to live
Solitude sometimes is
When nothing really seems to fit
If black were truly black not grey , It might provide some depth to pray
To black out all the worlds of men And demons too, but not even then
Solitude sometimes is
We need to click on the rewind button to a few days ago........
I'm smiling as I'm typing this... Desired after-effects of being in lurrrrve i guess. I dun feel like I'm in love as much as being enveloped in love. That's way deeper by any measurement. It's suffocating sometimes but the extremely good type of suffocation. hahaha...! merapek shah. dah.. dah..dah. :D Moments I treasure dearly... Only me , myself and mochI can truly understand and appreciate that Tuesday. Dunno bout him, but I enjoyed every bit of it. And that's what matters. hahaha! :p
Finally I've decided to just act selambe and just snap a picture of the delish drink already. It's a Tues and everyone's in the office's slaving away, but not US so it's not too bad lah. The drink's haunting really... Even though it brain-freezes you after each sip, you'd want to come back for more..mORE..MORE! hhehehe..Saper yg tak cukop iman, may become addicted to it I think. hahaha.. Plus, for you play-yers out there, the "chick" sellling the drinks is..... "friendly".
so hmmm.....
choc and milo ice-blend. u need to smell to tell the 2 drinks apart coz they taste exactly the same. Yummy yumz.
To think the drinks are more haunting than the show we caught at Marina: ALONE.
ok movie-critique aishah is now in da house. pft! From what I managed to gather, the show is a weak attempt to just shock the hell outta ya. The storyline's not eerie enuf for a horror/thriller movie but they use the terkejot-terkejot effect of suspense. So u dun get scared, you just get jolted. But I am impressed by the make-up of the hantus.. Standard. Reminded me of Evil Dead, where the ghost was in the cellar trying to get out but couldn't. So she kept on screaming "dead by dawn! dead by dawn!" just to taunt the victims. Poor things lah those victims. Dun wanna be them even if it's just a movie and wer're just acting. It's dat real...! So thumbs up to the make-up ppl of ALONE. But all in all, we enjoyed the movie. 4th movie for us now. Weekday movies are the best! But no more lah.. it's time for a jam-brake! In all seriousness... :1
I've gotta share this too. No school's like the old-skool.
and this...!!! --->
Let's go back to the future!! The bus we took to Q'way was really a time capsule in disguise. I was excited that I just had to snap a picture from the back for memories' sake. Look at those handle bars on the seats. The rings dangling at the top and the buzzer actually goes a loud irritating "deeeeet", not the supposedly-pleasant " we have at present day. You can actually slide up the windows too although it's supposed to be an air-con bus. I was half-expecting for a bus conductor to board the bus to give us bus stubs in red, green and purple. He'll then punch holes in the stubs and alight from the bus. That would be so awesome I tell ya! But dat didn't happen laaa . Ni lagik susah datang. hahaha! Twilight zonezzz....
(the lady in the pic is NOT me ait.) And yes, mochi bought yet another cap. niceness... :)
evidence that we actually wear shoes to work. hmmm..
I shall call this picture "too much time".... haha!
another evidence that sheens is supa swit. She stayed till 12 again.
and it's Friday night tonight, and switz is here with moi again. Switnesssss....! Another night, another Ah Qua ice-cream. thanks beb. really!
Hey...Nice pics..The chocolate blended craving again..How huh???Must go again la..Dun care..Must GO!!Ok?Thanks for the understanding yeah..U know huh..Nice slip on slippers..hahahha...Suit u..It's not d slippers but "D" person who pakai dat slippers...che ha ha..Take care always..Muaks..
"It's not d slippers but "D" person who pakai dat slippers..." hahaha! yah, you can say dat again. Totally agree! :P
But the person who pressie those slippers in the 1st place also counts... so yeah, they're wonderful slip-ons. :D
Thanks dear Sam!!!
It's official! Da "chix" selling those blended drinks is waaaay to0o0ooo..0o0oo0o0o0..0o0oo0o0 "friendly"!
so yeah.... BYE!
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