Welcome "home-stel" bro!
To my dearest bro: I really dun think you'll be reading this but IF you're in here, get out. Dun even attempt to read another line. OK. Let's start.

Evil Bunny's baaack!!! yippee!!! All thanks be to Allah my bro's safely home. Thank YOU x3!
This is my uncensored emotions right here for having ma bro back.. I can't show this excitement in front of him coz that's just soooo not "US". Hahahaaa!! Bro and I have this strong "bond" yes, but we dun "mush". We never "mush". Or so I thought... Fetched him from the airprt, I was pleasantly surprised when bro hugged me. Ok everyone, altogether now; "aaaaaaawww!" :)
Yes he did. hehee.. "Pleasantly surprised" is an understatement really.
" W O W"! is more the to-the-point word here. Big noisy bro misses the bratty lil' sis too. I'm glad. I can be annoying most times but now I know that I annoy in a good way. hahaha!
Listening to him talking will full-on animatics about horseback riding (he rode on Dancer, cute name), his rides alone at Six Flag.... made me appreciate his presence more. :) So glad he's back.
Home-stel sweet home-stel. Well the honeymoon's over and the paint job's aaall yours. Completion date's on the 28th eh. Spick and span by the 28th. yes.. yes. :p
Evil Bunny's is really Evil Sotong in disguise as he missed his flight. A whole day late. Can u believe that? And to think he only realised at the counter, checkin' in. Dat's ma bro! So proud of him! haaha! It's excusable lah. I think he hates goodbyes too. hehehe.. 2 weeks is too darn short in ma opinion. I dun think I can "peel" myself away if I'm in his place. Erm, I think I can lah, (everybody has commitments right) BUT with a whoo0o00ole lot of merengek. Sheesh! Talking about merengek, ma mochi was there too. :D (wat a way to selit.hahaha! syabas shah!)
Mochi was there departing AND arriving. Woo hoo..! Actually he was there departing, arriving AND arriving again. hehehe.... Many2 thanks dear. Bro appreciates it too, I'm sure. There's a stark difference btwn then and now and I'm so glad. You know what i mean yar. *winkz*
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Evil Bunny's baaack!!! yippee!!! All thanks be to Allah my bro's safely home. Thank YOU x3!
This is my uncensored emotions right here for having ma bro back.. I can't show this excitement in front of him coz that's just soooo not "US". Hahahaaa!! Bro and I have this strong "bond" yes, but we dun "mush". We never "mush". Or so I thought... Fetched him from the airprt, I was pleasantly surprised when bro hugged me. Ok everyone, altogether now; "aaaaaaawww!" :)
Yes he did. hehee.. "Pleasantly surprised" is an understatement really.
" W O W"! is more the to-the-point word here. Big noisy bro misses the bratty lil' sis too. I'm glad. I can be annoying most times but now I know that I annoy in a good way. hahaha!
Listening to him talking will full-on animatics about horseback riding (he rode on Dancer, cute name), his rides alone at Six Flag.... made me appreciate his presence more. :) So glad he's back.
Home-stel sweet home-stel. Well the honeymoon's over and the paint job's aaall yours. Completion date's on the 28th eh. Spick and span by the 28th. yes.. yes. :p
Evil Bunny's is really Evil Sotong in disguise as he missed his flight. A whole day late. Can u believe that? And to think he only realised at the counter, checkin' in. Dat's ma bro! So proud of him! haaha! It's excusable lah. I think he hates goodbyes too. hehehe.. 2 weeks is too darn short in ma opinion. I dun think I can "peel" myself away if I'm in his place. Erm, I think I can lah, (everybody has commitments right) BUT with a whoo0o00ole lot of merengek. Sheesh! Talking about merengek, ma mochi was there too. :D (wat a way to selit.hahaha! syabas shah!)
Mochi was there departing AND arriving. Woo hoo..! Actually he was there departing, arriving AND arriving again. hehehe.... Many2 thanks dear. Bro appreciates it too, I'm sure. There's a stark difference btwn then and now and I'm so glad. You know what i mean yar. *winkz*
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Ok. Dat's enuf of bro's pictures. He just gave me the "warning" not to post up any of his face even though I assured him I've got 0 readers and absolutely no fans, unlike him. Du-uh! but warning's a warning so respect to EB. He's more Paranoid/painfully shy than Evil to me. Bro's not wat I consider a "looker" anyways so I shall abide this time.
U're now viewing the beautiful ppl at the viewing mall. hahaha!
Editor's note: The pictures posted were taken on departure day, approximately 2.5weeks ago. None were taken upon arrival. Oh well...
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