Feb 14, 2008

Kalo dapur tak berasap Part 2

Trial and error they say. In my case, it's trial and errors, errors and some more errors. Urgh!
Another attempt at cooking yesterday and I pretty much suck at cooking by the looks of the dishes. Terok btol Shah.

Tried my hand at cooking ayam sambal, bening air and ayam goreng.

Spoils of the day: Ayam sambal
the sambal wasn't blend proper. Biji lada masih ada lagi... Ya Allah!
Sambal wasn't garing yet.. It was spicy! It wasn't the nice-tasting spicy but more like wat-did-i-just-put-in-ma-mouth kindda spiceeeeeeeeee...

Spoils of the day: ayam goreng
You'd think this is a no brainer rite. Wro0o0o0ong! I learnt just kunyit with verrrry lil' salt does not make a delish ayam goreng. Like Du-uh Shah. But I have health in mind you see.... hmmm.....
Good health aside, I need salt in my chicken. So there.

Spoils of the day: Bening air.
This is the best. Dun think I wanna say much except: Kangkong, NOT Bayam.. Sigh...
Those who are in the loop, will understand what I mean... :(

Takpelah.. Try, try and try again Shah. Although I give myself a bold, red F for the lame attempt, I have to present myself with 2 thumbs up with much gusto for the attempt in itself. Way to go Shah! Woo hoooo!!

Dah lah tuuuu..... :S

Anyways, I took pictures of the dishes but dun think I'm posting 'em up. Too rabz even for me...

I can't wait to go Sheng Siong with Oya to buy........... kunyit! hahahaaaa!
Can't believe I'm excited to buy kunyit. wahahahaa!!!
