☼☼☼ Career Advancement ☼☼☼
I've got the job!!! I've got the job I wanted so much!!!! (if only I could insert soundbites of me screaming in joy.... I WILL! hahahaha)
I'm sounding very loony here I know. Can't help it - I am FRIGGIN' HAPPY and grateful. Awesome stuff!!!!! I feel so much lighter now... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
I feel so blessed for up to this point in my life, the jobs I wanted, I got. From being in a call centre, to SH, to working in airport... I wanted to work at those places and I was actually given chance and chance again to be employed at my desired companies/fields. It's a grand feeling! (But of course if I had a diploma, my payslips would be a lot prettier... But i'm not complaining. I love what I'm getting so far!!! Rezki... =)
Having to work because you WANT to should rightly be the way for all but I understand not all have the luxury of choice. For those who are still working in their current employment because they have no choice for whatever reasons they have, I salute you. Sometimes in life, you're squeezed in the middle of your own wants and needs and most often than not, the needs are usually the way to go.
I experienced the feeling of "have to work" rather than "want to work" a couple of days ago. To me, the feeling is totally opposite of grand. Honestly, I couldn't stand it. I hated myself for allowing me to be in this situation where I dun have the option to choose where I work. The sense of responsibility with a whole lot of reality really hit me like a ton of bricks. NO MORE! Insya Allah, as long as I can help it...... NO MORE.
I'm all pumped up to start work on Monday. :) I've even sent the uniform for a minor alteration already - to collect this Sunday.
So far, the employment package is more than what I would expect. Syukur Alhamdullilah. But I do realise I can't be too happy yet as I've to actually experience the "work" itself. I genuinely hope that I can handle the workload as it is a big organisation and there can be only one PSA per shift so you know what that means................... Nvm, I can do it! hehehe... (i need the prep talks)
If the work's a can-do, insya Allah, I don't see any reason why I should still guard myself from being truly happeeeee.. Hey, I may even consider signing the offer letter in blood if it's an awesome first day! hahahaa!
But for what it's worth, I'm not gonna mess this up. I'm 27. It's time to swallow the bitter pill of reality and accept the fact that if you cannot beat the system, work for the system. Think I can be happy with that also in a $elfish kinda way. (I hope my children don't read this. eeerr..)
p/s: thanks for asking me that question. I know what I want now...
I've got the job!!! I've got the job I wanted so much!!!! (if only I could insert soundbites of me screaming in joy.... I WILL! hahahaha)
I'm sounding very loony here I know. Can't help it - I am FRIGGIN' HAPPY and grateful. Awesome stuff!!!!! I feel so much lighter now... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
I feel so blessed for up to this point in my life, the jobs I wanted, I got. From being in a call centre, to SH, to working in airport... I wanted to work at those places and I was actually given chance and chance again to be employed at my desired companies/fields. It's a grand feeling! (But of course if I had a diploma, my payslips would be a lot prettier... But i'm not complaining. I love what I'm getting so far!!! Rezki... =)
Having to work because you WANT to should rightly be the way for all but I understand not all have the luxury of choice. For those who are still working in their current employment because they have no choice for whatever reasons they have, I salute you. Sometimes in life, you're squeezed in the middle of your own wants and needs and most often than not, the needs are usually the way to go.
I experienced the feeling of "have to work" rather than "want to work" a couple of days ago. To me, the feeling is totally opposite of grand. Honestly, I couldn't stand it. I hated myself for allowing me to be in this situation where I dun have the option to choose where I work. The sense of responsibility with a whole lot of reality really hit me like a ton of bricks. NO MORE! Insya Allah, as long as I can help it...... NO MORE.
I'm all pumped up to start work on Monday. :) I've even sent the uniform for a minor alteration already - to collect this Sunday.
So far, the employment package is more than what I would expect. Syukur Alhamdullilah. But I do realise I can't be too happy yet as I've to actually experience the "work" itself. I genuinely hope that I can handle the workload as it is a big organisation and there can be only one PSA per shift so you know what that means................... Nvm, I can do it! hehehe... (i need the prep talks)
If the work's a can-do, insya Allah, I don't see any reason why I should still guard myself from being truly happeeeee.. Hey, I may even consider signing the offer letter in blood if it's an awesome first day! hahahaa!
But for what it's worth, I'm not gonna mess this up. I'm 27. It's time to swallow the bitter pill of reality and accept the fact that if you cannot beat the system, work for the system. Think I can be happy with that also in a $elfish kinda way. (I hope my children don't read this. eeerr..)
p/s: thanks for asking me that question. I know what I want now...