Cough Cough Cough.. Sick-O!!
I am sick!!! sIck-O. And the irony of it all is that I am at work typing this.
The problem of taking MCs is the moment you're genuinely sick and needs to just be horizontal all day long to recuperate, you would have used all your legit MCs for days when you ae NOT sick or well enough for you to go work but didn't coz you had plans to have dates with ur ayang or you have arranged for project K stuff on weekdays or even have physios coz they open only on weekdays right. Yikes! (The dates with ayang is totally worth it I must add. *wink*)
I'm heating up. Keep vomiting nothing. Tried to cough up this phlegm which at the moment makes 80% of the the total liquid in my body system right, but I ended up puking my lunch instead. I think I can feel ab muscles on my tummy slowly forming with all the coughing I do. I'm like breatheless right. COUGH COUGH! See, I just coughed again. Hahahaaa!

Dah lah, enuf ranting. Cough!
The problem of taking MCs is the moment you're genuinely sick and needs to just be horizontal all day long to recuperate, you would have used all your legit MCs for days when you ae NOT sick or well enough for you to go work but didn't coz you had plans to have dates with ur ayang or you have arranged for project K stuff on weekdays or even have physios coz they open only on weekdays right. Yikes! (The dates with ayang is totally worth it I must add. *wink*)
I'm heating up. Keep vomiting nothing. Tried to cough up this phlegm which at the moment makes 80% of the the total liquid in my body system right, but I ended up puking my lunch instead. I think I can feel ab muscles on my tummy slowly forming with all the coughing I do. I'm like breatheless right. COUGH COUGH! See, I just coughed again. Hahahaaa!
Dah lah, enuf ranting. Cough!
Betul2 sakit takleh ambik MC, tak sakit ambik MC!!! nyeh2 nyeh!!.. tapikan, kesianlah adik aku nie...makin kudut!!
i was just ranting..
Didn't expect anyone being able to comment on rantings.. hmmmmm....
makin kudut?
depends who you're making comparison with tui pu tui?????
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