Bersama Mu.................. Khursus Day 1
Ma ayang and I went for our Day 1 Marriage Course last Sunday 6/07/2008. Day 1 was a long day (9 to 5.30pm ok?) filled with much fun, laughter, and head-shaking, forehead-slapping remarks by an educator who happens to be of DKK descent (Darah Keturunan Kecantikan. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? hahahaaa! Cikgu Sheikh Feroz is one funny pakcik. Corny to da max but he's funny also lar.)
Kesian ma ayang had to walk to Marine Parade CC coz direction-challenged me confidently alighted 1 bus stop before the CC. Morning exercise lah.. Good fer the body and mind. Right-o!
Dah lama tak gi classroom, sampai sebu2 perot tu... nyah nyah nyah... !!!
Too early in the morning to talk deep deep stuff. Hahahahaa!
Even ma ayang bengang!
haha! Ok ok . We're waiting for bus 31. :)
Well anywhos.. bigger more important matter at hand. Knowledge's gained.
Syukur Alhamdulillah. I learned more about myself through his eyes and I got to know him better also.
One thing stuck to mind is when the Cik Rosli, our educator, said something in the likes of women taking a longer time to adjust from being a fiance to a wife /mother. But guys get serious once they become husbands. They kinda suddenly wake up and be more fcused thus not saying so much the sweet lovey dovey stuff they used to say aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the time before the couple get hitched.
The problem starts when the newly bacome wife is still pining for those words and sayang sayang phrases...... and she's not getting it. She may then feel neglected and all that negativity and stuff......................
Lesson 1: after getting married, you need to realise his level of affection by his ACTIONS and not so much his words anymore. It's normal. He doesn't love you any less just because he doesn't say it as often as he used to. He comes home to you... Protects you.. Provides for you and the children.. = He loves you!!!
Hey, if your hubby still acts all mushy even after marriage, all I can say is you SCORED! But if your hubby acts like the character above, he's just being human. He's normal. :) To me, we all need to recognise normalcy especially in a marriage. If you know something's normal, you wouldn't even try to change/fix it. You just accept and move along. :D
Lesson 2: I learned that one of ma weaknesses is being blur. I need to sharpen my instincts man!
Lesson 3: Andy may say he's not into it but he's one ON mochi! He's more sporting than me. I learnt that when Cikgu Feroz made us do some corny acts just to wake us up! I still have goosebumps thinking about it. Urgh! But Andy's such a sport. He's just the drive that I need!
Sayang sayang, sayang saaaaaayang sayang. In a class of 42 other strangers. Hmmmmm...
Lesson 4: I learnt that not all couples talk about how many kids they plan to have. This is an eye-opener fer me personally coz I just assumed all couples would have discussed such matters beforehand. We want 3. Mutual agreement. Yesssssa! Insya Allah. Amin!
Lesson 5: This is a good one.
The day your hubby comes up to you and say "Yang, I need to talk to you..." the wife should drop EVERYTHING she's doing like cooking, washing, attending to the kids, to listen to what the husband has got to say.. He may need help. Men are generally self-solvers so the moment he asks for YOUR help, this only means this is your chance to be a good partner and help him along.
He is already btwn a rock and a wall when he asks for your help so try your best and listen. Awesome stuff rite. I didn't know that!
Lesson 6: Whenever you're wrong, admit it.
Whenever you're right, shut up.
Lesson 7: Andy's ma hero!! He saved me when I was stumped and couldn't give the requested example to the cikgu in front of the whole class. 44 ppl! Dat's a big class. Andy saved me when he provided the example for me. Phew!!! I know we're a tagteam and not versus each other because of that incident. Sayang awak lah!
Lesson 8: It's better to write down your frustrations when both tengah hot. Situation when the quarrel becomes too intense, better to have a cool-down time. Writing helps you to filter your words and get straight to the point w/o too much emotions involved. Plus it helps to prevent saying stuff you know you'll regret after.
Dat's the end of Day 1.
Final 2nd day is next Sunday. Insya Allah I'll post the stuffs I've gained for my benefit and maybe for the benefit of yourself who may be reading this. I'm looking forward to the next one as it touches on hardcore topics like Financial, Sex in a marriage, Living with In-laws and Separation/Divorce. Insya Allah I'll share again in due time.
Wassalam. Be happy!
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