A is for ACRA. B is for Business. C is for Company.....
I was reading thru Xiaxue's blog and I must say she is one cool girl lar. Something about that sino chick that attracts you to just keep on reading posts after posts when you're supposed to answer calls after calls especially when they are 4 calls waiting to be answered as I'm typing this.
Yeah~~~~ me at work. Yeah~~~~ I answered only 16 calls since 8.30 in the morn.
Yeah~~~~~ It's already 4.37pm now. HAHA!!
Dunno what's wrong with me man.. Seems I'm on "IDLE/Lazy ASS/ Dun give a TOOT" mode since Monday. Work's a breeze.
It really is... Blah!
I just love work! I'm at a corporate position where I feel I can excel or at least be happy performing my duties at work. I'm trainning newbies man. How awesomely cool is dat??!!!
Of course, being a trainer may not be a biggie when compared to being a Team Manager and the likes but this is what I've been aiming for since my Singtel days and I finally get to be one.
*Clap! Clap! Clap!* :D
Cedebah..! Macam paham. hahahaa!!
I realised I've been very blessed since I joined the dog-eat-dog world since ITE. The roles I wanted, I've gotten. Sure, there must be 1 or 2 dolts in every workplace (Ppl like, I dunno, Fanny... Freakin 'ell Theresa!!!!!!! Stoopid dumbass-wipe. Dat's right! She suck ENUF fer me to conjoin the 2 words!!!! Only fer her. Hahahaaa!)
Oh well, bottom line. All'$ gooo0d. And I cannot be more thankful for all the rezki Allah ha$ $howered upon me. THANK YOU GOD!!!!!
p/s: think I'll be renewing my contract again this August. Insya Allah.
Oh yes, I may be signing in blood this time. HAHA!
The meeting that made it official. If we were playing Monopoly, everyone would have a "move 1 step up the corporate ladder card". Like there's such a card to begin with. DUH!
oh yah, except for our dear Alicia though, she missed a turn. heehee..

When they're not in action, The POWER PUFF GIRLS dine in at Swensen's Parkway Parade.
Strict-Dun-mess-with-ME Nur, Talk Fast Sheens, Loudly Lorraine, our Mother Ali-si-a, Ue Seok Chin Fanny,I-wanna-be-YATI-when-i-grow-up and Ah Moew Ah Kath. Checher Aishah is not in the picture. Cey~~~!

Sheens and I were fit enough to attend the meeting but too sick to report work that day.
Hahahaa! Got such thing ar?? Can goof around some more..

Picture perfect moment.. Verrrry nice. But Ah Kath's hair look oily a bit ar.. hehehee..*winkz*
Yeah~~~~ me at work. Yeah~~~~ I answered only 16 calls since 8.30 in the morn.
Yeah~~~~~ It's already 4.37pm now. HAHA!!
Dunno what's wrong with me man.. Seems I'm on "IDLE/Lazy ASS/ Dun give a TOOT" mode since Monday. Work's a breeze.
It really is... Blah!
I just love work! I'm at a corporate position where I feel I can excel or at least be happy performing my duties at work. I'm trainning newbies man. How awesomely cool is dat??!!!
Of course, being a trainer may not be a biggie when compared to being a Team Manager and the likes but this is what I've been aiming for since my Singtel days and I finally get to be one.
*Clap! Clap! Clap!* :D
I realised I've been very blessed since I joined the dog-eat-dog world since ITE. The roles I wanted, I've gotten. Sure, there must be 1 or 2 dolts in every workplace (Ppl like, I dunno, Fanny... Freakin 'ell Theresa!!!!!!! Stoopid dumbass-wipe. Dat's right! She suck ENUF fer me to conjoin the 2 words!!!! Only fer her. Hahahaaa!)
Oh well, bottom line. All'$ gooo0d. And I cannot be more thankful for all the rezki Allah ha$ $howered upon me. THANK YOU GOD!!!!!
p/s: think I'll be renewing my contract again this August. Insya Allah.
Oh yes, I may be signing in blood this time. HAHA!
The meeting that made it official. If we were playing Monopoly, everyone would have a "move 1 step up the corporate ladder card". Like there's such a card to begin with. DUH!
oh yah, except for our dear Alicia though, she missed a turn. heehee..
When they're not in action, The POWER PUFF GIRLS dine in at Swensen's Parkway Parade.
Strict-Dun-mess-with-ME Nur, Talk Fast Sheens, Loudly Lorraine, our Mother Ali-si-a, Ue Seok Chin Fanny,I-wanna-be-YATI-when-i-grow-up and Ah Moew Ah Kath. Checher Aishah is not in the picture. Cey~~~!
Sheens and I were fit enough to attend the meeting but too sick to report work that day.
Hahahaa! Got such thing ar?? Can goof around some more..
Picture perfect moment.. Verrrry nice. But Ah Kath's hair look oily a bit ar.. hehehee..*winkz*
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