Islam dan Fengshui
In the name of ALLAH, The Most Compassionate; The Most Merciful.
Berita Harian featured a newsclip on 02/03/2008 on Feng Shui.
Syukur Alhamdulillah, I chanced upon this read albeit being super lembab as this was featured more than a month ago.
I remembered feeling utterly disgusted with rage when I read it a couple o' days back...
Thanks Be to ALLAH for enlightening me with the knowledge to save the scanned clippings today, for me to share my two-cents worth on the matter. I feel calmer now and Insya Allah, I am not consumed with as much loathing to write abt it as I was feeling 2 days ago. :)
I am still utterly disappointed tho.
There's this Muslim woman who is of Arab, Turkish and Indian descent. She practises Feng Shui. She has registered a Pte Ltd company to provide Feng Shui services. She coughed $60,000 around 2 years ago as capital for the company's activity.
85% of her clientele are Chinese. The rest are Indian, Malay and others. She is a Muslim.
The above is a summary of what the content the clipping is all about.
I wasn't too concerned about it but I must say I was shocked.
And I must say also, What a waste of $60, 000!
For an "Muslim Arab, Turkish and Indian woman" to provide a service that goes against the teachings of Islam to fellow "Muslim Malays" is uncomfortable to know. Although saddened, I accept the fact that this is happening like how I cannot deny some of my brothers and sisters in Islam are still eating pork, the meat prohibited for Muslims consumption. Bare facts I have to accept. I dun really care for the woman who provides this Feng Shui services. I dunno her to judge her. She must think she has her reasons sorted out and justified. She must think a lot of things. hmm... .... May Allah swt forgives us and Have mercy on us for our ignorance and sins.
An excerpt from
It is really the empty soul, which has not tasted real Eemaan (belief) that seeks out these paths. Essentially these paths, represent a vain attempt to escape Qadar (fate).
The ignorant believe that if they know what is in store for them tomorrow, they can prepare from today. In that way they may avoid the bad and ensure the good.
Yet, Allah’s messenger was told by Allah swt to say:
"If I knew the unseen, I would surely have only sought the good. But, I am only a warner and a bearer of glad tidings for believers."
[Al-Qur'an Soorah al-A`raaf 7:188]
Our beloved prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself could not have known the "unseen" and he is Allah's messenger. What makes this arab+turkish+indian woman thinks she can do better is beyond me.....
Astaraghfirllah hallazim..
Know something else dead funny? See below.

MUIS take on the matter. Read it to believe it. What a shame!
Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura says it's OK to practise Feng Shui as long as you believe it's not more than just philosophy that links with scientific reasoning.
2. Feng shui may provide some guidelines to harmonious use of color and interior design. It cannot bring luck, health, success, etc. All of these are niama (blessings, income) from Allah alone. It is shirk (blasphemy) to believe otherwise.
I know I'd be disappointed if they had a middle answer to the matter.
Something like:
"It's really up to the individual. If you have the slightest doubt regarding the action, best to do away with it.." kinda answer. That answer is acceptable if it's coming from the majority of us who has still a long way to better ourselves as Muslims and to gain knowledge as much as we can on Islam.
But for an Islamic Religious Council, I would have expected a straight Yes or No answer. For them to even announce that "seseorang Islam boleh mengamalkan Feng Shui" is irresponsible and wrong.
Another excerpt from
If one is in doubt about the truth or falsehood of astrological information, he is in doubt about whether or not others know the unseen and the future besides Allah.
This is a form of Shirk because Allah has clearly stated:
"With Him are the keys to the unseen and none knows it except Him"
[Soorah al-An`aa,m 6:59]
"Say: None in the heavens or earth knows the unseen except Allah."
[Soorah an-Naml 27:65]
What makes you think that by changing the colours on your wall or to have a cuckoo clock above your room door, white red polka dot curtains and to have your bed positioned exactly 45 degrees to the left will make you be any less miserable than you are now?
Think about it.
If you must position your bed at all, I suggest you do it in the way of our qiblah. :)
I shudder to think how many more Muslims will want to have their house feng-shuied after the MUIS declaration so that they can have better health, wealth etc...
The woman may rebutt the rejection by saying Feng Shui is not the same as sooth sayers, fortune tellers and astrology.... To that I shall then reply with a true and fine hadith:
"Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt."
narrated by Termithi and Nasaee, and Tirmithi.
Excerpt from: www.
May Allah be with us always. Amin. May Allah strengthen our iman. Amin.
p/s: i miss my bro.
In the name of ALLAH, The Most Compassionate; The Most Merciful.
Berita Harian featured a newsclip on 02/03/2008 on Feng Shui.
Syukur Alhamdulillah, I chanced upon this read albeit being super lembab as this was featured more than a month ago.
I remembered feeling utterly disgusted with rage when I read it a couple o' days back...
Thanks Be to ALLAH for enlightening me with the knowledge to save the scanned clippings today, for me to share my two-cents worth on the matter. I feel calmer now and Insya Allah, I am not consumed with as much loathing to write abt it as I was feeling 2 days ago. :)
I am still utterly disappointed tho.

85% of her clientele are Chinese. The rest are Indian, Malay and others. She is a Muslim.
The above is a summary of what the content the clipping is all about.
I wasn't too concerned about it but I must say I was shocked.
And I must say also, What a waste of $60, 000!
For an "Muslim Arab, Turkish and Indian woman" to provide a service that goes against the teachings of Islam to fellow "Muslim Malays" is uncomfortable to know. Although saddened, I accept the fact that this is happening like how I cannot deny some of my brothers and sisters in Islam are still eating pork, the meat prohibited for Muslims consumption. Bare facts I have to accept. I dun really care for the woman who provides this Feng Shui services. I dunno her to judge her. She must think she has her reasons sorted out and justified. She must think a lot of things. hmm... .... May Allah swt forgives us and Have mercy on us for our ignorance and sins.
An excerpt from
It is really the empty soul, which has not tasted real Eemaan (belief) that seeks out these paths. Essentially these paths, represent a vain attempt to escape Qadar (fate).
The ignorant believe that if they know what is in store for them tomorrow, they can prepare from today. In that way they may avoid the bad and ensure the good.
Yet, Allah’s messenger was told by Allah swt to say:
"If I knew the unseen, I would surely have only sought the good. But, I am only a warner and a bearer of glad tidings for believers."
[Al-Qur'an Soorah al-A`raaf 7:188]
Our beloved prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself could not have known the "unseen" and he is Allah's messenger. What makes this arab+turkish+indian woman thinks she can do better is beyond me.....
Astaraghfirllah hallazim..
Know something else dead funny? See below.

MUIS take on the matter. Read it to believe it. What a shame!
Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura says it's OK to practise Feng Shui as long as you believe it's not more than just philosophy that links with scientific reasoning.
2. Feng shui may provide some guidelines to harmonious use of color and interior design. It cannot bring luck, health, success, etc. All of these are niama (blessings, income) from Allah alone. It is shirk (blasphemy) to believe otherwise.
I know I'd be disappointed if they had a middle answer to the matter.
Something like:
"It's really up to the individual. If you have the slightest doubt regarding the action, best to do away with it.." kinda answer. That answer is acceptable if it's coming from the majority of us who has still a long way to better ourselves as Muslims and to gain knowledge as much as we can on Islam.
But for an Islamic Religious Council, I would have expected a straight Yes or No answer. For them to even announce that "seseorang Islam boleh mengamalkan Feng Shui" is irresponsible and wrong.
Another excerpt from
If one is in doubt about the truth or falsehood of astrological information, he is in doubt about whether or not others know the unseen and the future besides Allah.
This is a form of Shirk because Allah has clearly stated:
"With Him are the keys to the unseen and none knows it except Him"
[Soorah al-An`aa,m 6:59]
"Say: None in the heavens or earth knows the unseen except Allah."
[Soorah an-Naml 27:65]
What makes you think that by changing the colours on your wall or to have a cuckoo clock above your room door, white red polka dot curtains and to have your bed positioned exactly 45 degrees to the left will make you be any less miserable than you are now?
Think about it.
If you must position your bed at all, I suggest you do it in the way of our qiblah. :)
I shudder to think how many more Muslims will want to have their house feng-shuied after the MUIS declaration so that they can have better health, wealth etc...
The woman may rebutt the rejection by saying Feng Shui is not the same as sooth sayers, fortune tellers and astrology.... To that I shall then reply with a true and fine hadith:
"Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt."
narrated by Termithi and Nasaee, and Tirmithi.
Excerpt from: www.
May Allah be with us always. Amin. May Allah strengthen our iman. Amin.
p/s: i miss my bro.
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