May 4, 2009

password to thoughtsinteruptted‏

I just had Battura meal with me dear ayang. Scrumptious meal, Syukur Alhamdulillah. I've fallen in love with the sambar which I shall affectionately call now as Shaik Andy. Hahahaa.. That's how delish the sambar is and much I love it. Gotta learn how to cook it. Ma ayang has left me to go toilet break. "The perot very bad" hahahaa... I like him. I'm now at Komala's with my
LapLog and the lady in front just said 'fantastic".
HAHAHAHA! I wished ma ayang was here - An Indian saying the word is really "FANDASDIC" to hear. :D

Time stood still for a few minutes for me two days ago. It stood still long enough for me to complete reading an e-mail that I've received 11 April 2009. I realised I have 232 e-mails when I last logged in hotmail 2 days ago and I'm glad I didn't just click delete for this particular e-mail sent. Blast from the past really. I haven't realised how far I have moved on and how easy it is for me to face forward and not look back. It's so easy for me that I can't help but to feel guilty that I'm able to leave my past 'just like that". Acts from my past I dun wish to recall but the people or person from my past, I can so easily "forget' or "not remember" says something about me. Do I have a heart of stone?? Am I that cold??

thoughtsended at 7.14pm

thoughtsinteruppted on 04/05/2009 at 11.57pm:

I just realised how darn easy it is to get access to my password-secured journo. So simple I'm tempted to change the my current password to "LAME-O". I feel like such an ass for believing that I actually have my own domain to honestly clear my head... Shame shame on me lah. Gosh.
Now that I know my thoughts are indeed interrupted by other's viewing, I feel curbed in writing my honestly. Thus the "fool-proof" security of an enabled password. So much for that! Ma ayang showed the way and I was speechless. This is definitely not going to stop writing though. I'm too much of a scatterbrain that I cannot afford NOT to write down my thoughts. A channel for me to vent and let out some steam, if you will, just so I can stay focused. And honestly I dun even bother to figure out another way to prevent other ppl from going round the Password thingy to read. At the least I can minimise viewership. For the uninitiated, the password prompt will be a tool to subtly tell them to "shoo.. go away." :) But I can't stop those who's more determined than others, can I?
Just a word of warning, when I write, I assume no one and I mean NO ONE should be able to view this. If you are one of those who can and feel hurt with what you learn from this page, tough. I dun wanna apologise for something I dun mean to do. So if are hurt, I strongly suggest you act like one of the uninitiated when you see the password prompt coz I am subtly saying to YOU with all due respect "shoo.. Go away."

Having expressed all that, I need to give due notice to this fren o'mine.

One question to you: How are you, really? Are you living life the proper way? Whatever downside you think you have or will need to face, just remember that Allah swt does not give us more than we can handle. There's zero excuse for keep repeatinng to do the things we do that is prohibited in this life.
I sincerely hope you're doing allright. Be happy. Be good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for your wishes.

September 9, 2009 at 1:28 PM  

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