Feb 17, 2009

Sunday everyday?


Me at Mc Deez, with MYG by me side and connected to Wild Wild Web. And I mean BOTH of us are! yessireee....! The norm before was fer me to be like a parrot and just "sit on" MYG's shoulder while he engross himself surfing away. NO MORE! Aishah's parrot days are oooooverrrr. hahahahaaa! Syukur Alhamdulillah. Rezki.. Rezki... :D

Today work's cool I guess. I should feel blessed. Just that humans are tricky creatures and I sometimes I find it a challenge to understand even my own self, so how in the world can I possible fathom why others act the way they do..... especially towards me!!!! I just pray to God Almighty for protection from the evils of syaitan, from the ill-feelings of others and from my own weaknesses. Amin!

I'm at a very pleasant place at this stage of life right now. Here's to reminding myself that altho I'm surrounded with butterflies, ponies and rainbows at this very moment, things may not always be so picture-perfect in the future. But hey, that's ok. That's life and as my wise MYG said to me today, "Everyday can't be a Sunday." Now that's the truth! :D

Editor's note: I'm not really a Sunday person. I'm more of a Friday night kinda person. To wake up to Saturday morning, with the known fact I STILL need not work the following day. now DAT'S life! But 'everyday can't be a Sunday" still sounds better and catchier than "everyday can't be a Friday night for you to wake up to 2 weekends and not having to work for 2 straight days", now can it? *wink*


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